[Hey, You!] Disconnected

Hey, you—rolling up in an expensive car in a nice suit, walking into my Orange electronics store at 8 Friday night. You followed your ancient wife, who began shouting about whether anyone worked here. When I asked if I could help, she said that sheNd prefer “a man” to take the battery out of her shitty cordless phone and look for a replacement. While my male co-worker assisted her, you just stood there and smiled while your wife proceeded to berate everything about the way I looked, including calling me fat. She failed to make eye contact more than once, and she stared at the floor for long periods of time. Her diatribe was heavily peppered with the phrase “praise God; thank you, Jesus.” It was clear to me your wife suffers from a very severe case of AlzheimerNs, and I understand it causes verbal aggression. However, itNs not appropriate for you to permit her to act like a crusty old cunt toward other human beings.

If you had a mentally disabled family member who perhaps threw silverware, you wouldnNt take him to a restaurant, would you? If you had a dog with a leg-humping habit, you wouldnNt take him out amongst people, would you? Yes, you would because you donNt comprehend that youNre responsible for your ancient wifeNs behavior when sheNs no longer capable of understanding what sheNs doing. She could easily be punched in the face by someone who doesnNt recognize her condition, and what a tragedy that would be. You clearly have financial means, and you should probably arrange to have her locked away from society, where the people who are paid to care for her will do so. YouNre not doing such a great job of it. Praise God; thank you, Jesus.

Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations—changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent—to “Hey, You!” c/o OC Weekly, 2975 Red Hill Ave., Ste. 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, or e-mail us at le*****@oc******.com.


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