Greetings from an asshole in El Paso

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I write to you today from El Paso, Texas, where I've been acting in my friend Zach Passero's movie WICKED LAKE, playing a character named “Half-Idiot.” Considering my distinguished stature as a writer and critic, it may or may not surprise you that my character is a compulsively onanistic redneck who makes things pretty uncomfortable for our four female protagonists. I've actually been an actor longer than anything else…but then, so have most of us. Kids playing with their toys are acting, whether they realize it or not.

We've been shooting a lot of interiors in El Paso, and are about to move to Ruidoso, New Mexico, to shoot the actual lake and various exteriors. Among our cast are cult fave Tim Thomerson (TRANCERS, DOLLMAN), Will Keenan (TROMEO AND JULIET, TERROR FIRMER), and my good buddy Justin Stone (MOTEL, GLIMPSE).

We've come a long way since I played the homeless hero “Super-Transient” in Zach's USC student short (I rolled around in dirt and syrup to look authentically scuzzy) — back then, Chris Sivertson, now a producer, played my best bud, Justin Stone played both a damsel in distress and a killer robot, and cult director Lucky McKee (MAY) was an evil chicken. Now, we're really doing it. Lucky's directing the behind-the-scenes doc, which I expect will be as amazing as the film itself.

Check us out on IMDB. You're going to see a lot of good things from this crew in the years to come.

I'll be back in OC this week. Keep sending in those story leads.

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