Got stamina? part two

Two days since the “got milk” Fort Fridge endurance contest, and six players were left standing with one hand on the plexiglass as of 9:40 p.m.

By midnight, the count was down to five—all young, healthy-looking types. As predicted, the overweight half of the crowd were winnowed out quickly. The final five got to go home for a sleep break, but they'll be back bright and early tomorrow, and it's hard to imagine there won't be a winner by the end of the day. (We didn't get an exact head count of the intital crop, but there were 20 left after the first day, 15 the second, and nine at the start of today's run.)

Overheard from one contestant: “No one's giving me moral support!” Hey, be glad you get food, sleep and bathroom breaks. This could have been a real endurance test, with none of that—in which case, the winner would most likely be someone wearing adult diapers and possessing no sense of smell. Hey, that could still work. . . .

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