Friday's Headlines. No Surprises: Carona resign? Please, no!

  • Should Sheriff Carona Resign? Some 84 percent of the Reg's readers who responded to an online poll say yes. (9:08 a.m. By the way, they seem kind of confused over there. The poll reads 84 percent, but the accompanying article says 83 percent. The pro-Carona vote's at 16 percent, so let's stick with 84.) The Times doesn't have a poll but says that pressure is mounting. And R.Scott Moxley? Lose a guaranteed scandal maker? “Absolutely not. . .as an investigative journalist, I’d mourn the loss of a character like Mike Carona sitting atop the sheriff’s department.”
  • The dirty details: Speaking of Carona, did the top cop make money off a dead cop and his widow? The feds think so.
  • Fire Watch: Still 90 percent contained. Firefighters are struggling to put the blaze out before the Santa Anas come ripping through (as they're expected to starting this afternoon). The Register reports that crews are deliberately burning areas to manipulate the fire.
  • Oh, yick. And yet: The Real Housewives of Orange County is ba-ack on TV starting Tuesday. We promise to force Amanda Parsons to watch it so you don't have to. Kind of like this.
  • Good deed of the evening: Even if you can't stand Sugar Ray, be nice and pick up a ticket for the Music for a Cure show in Costa Mesa tonight. The proceeds go to critically ill kids with financial needs.

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