Wiener-dog enthusiasts are . . . pretty hardcore. That's what I gathered sitting between Jan King of Costa Mesa (and her award-winning race dog, Stretch) and Bobbie Jeanne of Huntington Beach, who was cuddled up to her dachshund, Babyluv.
Both dogs compete at the Old World Village's monthly weenie dog races and have at least 30 trophies each. And Babyluv apparently has star value. The pooch was in the documentary Wiener Takes All and in a children's book to boot.
Bobbie Jeanne hands me her dog's business card. (Oi!!!?) Stretch is 8 years old, but Jeanne won't tell me how old Babyluv is—it's a vanity thing.
King trains Stretch outside her mobile home, she says, and uses hot dogs as an incentive. Stretch doesn't get hot dogs unless it's racing time, and he knows it.
On Sunday, at Old World Village's German Heritage Day, both have the chance to “be the grand wiener,” says King. Some 40 dogs—including Weekly Editorial Assistant Amanda Parsons'—are here for the race.
Only purebred dogs are allowed to race. Why is this not surprising? . . . (I'm kidding; don't kill me.)
“Keep yourself and your dog under control,” bellows the MC. And they're off.
See photos of the day over here.