AD 72 Race Get Racier over Weekend

Rounding up the recent developments in the race to replace Mike “The Dripper” Duvall:

Linda Ackerman's campaign has dropped a press release announcing that the OC GOP is reprimanding Chris Norby for campaign ethics violations. Norby himself filed his own ethics complaint against Ackerman, but his complaint, according to Ackerman's campaign, was found to be without merit. We don't yet know what the GOP considers to be Norby's specific violation. But previously, Ackerman was carping about Norby claiming she supported recent, tax-hiking California state budgets when it was actually her husband, Dick, who did so.

Steven Greenhut, the OC Register's former libertarian stalwart/broken-record house columnist turned freelancer from Sacramento, published a piece blasting the Orange County GOP for not lining up behind Norby. Greenhut has long had a soft spot for the anti-government, pro being-weird Norby. This set off a scuffle at Red County, with writer Alan Bartlett lauding Greenhut before the blog's publisher, Chip Hanlon, calls out Bartlett as a “closeted 'Big L' Libertarian.” Who knew libertarianism was one of those things people stayed in the closet for?

The mud-slinging between the two republican frontrunners (Norby and Ackerman) continues in the form of mailed campaign literature. Independent expenditure committee “Alliance for California's Tomorrow” sent this one, which implies that Norby is just as oversexed as Mike Duvall:

Norby's campaign hits back by tying Ackerman to “CORRUPTION!”

— Bleh, the Repubs are making each other look pretty bad. What's the deal with the Democrat in the race, John MacMurry? Orange Juice takes a look.

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