New Jail ATMs For Orange County's Criminal Lovers

For those of you who reared or married criminals, we have good news!
Thanks to an agreement between the county and Continental Prison Systems (doing business as EZ Card and Kiosk), you can more easily transfer money to your jailbird loved-ones, you know, the men and women who have nothing better to do than prey upon people who were actually raised right.


The agreement, funded through Proposition 172, a half-cent sales tax approved by California voters in 1993 to support local public safety functions in cities and counties, enables folks to place funds on inmates' accounts and post bail to remote locations using online access, telephone access, or kiosks inside county jails.
The system allows for debit cards to be used to accept and process bail transactions and to distribute funds to released inmates.
The agreement is for two years, and can be renewed for three additional one-year periods.
The Orange County Sheriff's Department spent $3,000 to modify jails for the kiosk installations. According to the department, all services will be provided at no cost to the county.
The new system will streamiline the fund-transfer process by cutting down the amount of cash-handling required during an inmate's release, according to he department.
No etching the kiosks with your gang names, criminals!

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