OC quartet Venus Infers may be the best band ever to pun on a Velvet Underground song title… until somebody comes up with You're a Peon, Son. Tonight the group's celebrating the release of the five-song EP But You Already Knew That. Led by Trisha Smith's vocals and Davis Fetters' guitar, the music's uniformly smart and tart, dreamy and creamy, sparky and not at all snarky. Venus Infers' sound is ideal for spring, when you want something light and iridescent that injects a sprightly bounce in your stride. Well, that line of reasoning applies in areas of the country where there actually are seasons, but I hope you catch my drift. Venus Infers' drift is definitely worth catching, as well. Check 'em out at Detroit Bar tonight with Jena Malone and Her Bloodstains and the Color Turning at 9 p.m.