Tonight: Hellogoodbye and Limbeck at Chain Reaction

Two local emoish, popish, quirky sorta-legends (sorta) of this decade return to Chain Reaction tonight. To celebrate, we present you with fun facts!

Fun fact 1: The first Chain Reaction show your blogger ever attended was this very show — Hellogoodbye and Limbeck — way back in summer 2005.

Fun fact 2: Despite going to that show, your blogger has never really
given either of these OC-bred, national cult-forming bands a real
thorough listen.

Fun fact 3: One thing I do know about Hellogoodbye is that they had a
song with an AOL Instant Messenger noise in it, which I thought was
kind of embarrassing even back in junior year of high school.

Fun fact 4: Hellogoobye toured with Hanson!

Fun fact 5: You'd think OC Weekly would have done some big writeup on HGB over the years, given that their 2006 album Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! reached
13 on the Billboard 200 charts, but the most interesting thing I can
find about them in our archives is a mention in an article about those
lullaby rock albums
(it's a spooky coincidence that Albert blogged
about those very albums yesterday).

Fun fact 6: Limbeck, on the other hand, has received a fair amount of
OC Weekly love.  Quoth Rich Kane in 2004: “…nothing's more satisfying
than to witness a merely good band
evolve into something approaching total fucking godhead, which is where
Limbeck is right now.

Fun fact 7: That show back in '05 was pretty damn fun! Lots of sweaty pogo-sticking, plenty of sing-songy choruses. These bands can entertain the uniniated — so maybe the uninitated should check 'em out.

Fun fact 8: Never mind, the show is sold out. Scalp!!

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