Gettin' Made: The Gift of Creativity


I asked Marlyn what her inspirations are in her photos, and she shared:

“What particularly interests me is the details, the gradations of color, the curl of a petal, the way the light changes the appearance of the object so completely. My favorite thing to photograph right now is flora, but I do enjoy landscapes as well. My husband and I like to travel, so I have lots of subject fodder.”

Marlyn shares her life with her husband Tod, two adult step-children and a very photogenic ham of a cat named Nacht. She's a huge hockey fan, and most Wednesdays can be found knitting with the Long Beach Stitch n' Bitch group. And she's an awesome knitter to boot!

You can find Marlyn's photos online at her Zazzle and Cafepress shops – don't miss her floral calendar, it'd make a great gift for the gardener in your life! (Is it too early to start talking Christmas? I'm pretty sure I saw decorations in Wal-mart the other day…)


Wanna keep up on what Marlyn's taking pictures of these days? Definitely visit her blog!

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