Gettin' Made: TGIIF (Thank God It's Illustration Friday!)

We all have our Friday rituals, our little celebrations that the standard work-week is over. Mine involves stopping at the Coffee Bean near my house to buy a mocha latte instead of drinking the crappy coffee I've made for myself throughout the week. One Friday ritual many creatives engage in is a little bit of magic known as Illustration Friday. This amazing website posts a new theme weekly for artists (and non-artists) to draw upon – sign up for their mailing list, have the theme magically show up in your inbox every Friday morning and you're good to go!

After the jump, more pieces done for the theme “unfold” and info on how Illustration Friday works.


There's zero other rules for participating in Illustration Friday, and submitting something every single week is not a requirement. (As an occassional participant, I'd be in big trouble if it were.) Make a painting, sculpture, doodle on a post-it, whatever, anything goes. Post your work on the site for other artists to see, rinse, and repeat the following week. It's a great way to get an idea for a new project or become exposed to new art and other folks' interpretations of a word.

While these are some pretty awesome pieces, don't be intimidated – people from all skill sets and experience levels upload their pieces. If you're a newbie take heart – you gotta start somewhere, and you are most likely a much better artist than you think. Have fun and happy drawing!

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