Gettin' Made: Stop–Turkeytime!

The big bowl of leftover Halloween candy is still sitting on your counter, yet there's Christmas decorations every which way you turn. Did we all forget about Thanksgiving?


Thank goodness for these fab turkey finds–after the jump, some more tasty selections from delicious Etsy crafters!


The vegetarian in your life can still enjoy a roast turkey when it's made of felt–surprise 'em with this fun full-size faux turkey!

Or class up your holiday with this silver wishbone. No digging around in the bird to find a good luck charm for you. So fancy!

Are you more of a do-it-yourselfer? Candypop Creations has a pattern available, so you can crochet your very own drumstick rattle for your little ones.

I'm loving the amount of detail that went into these tiny roast turkey earrings.


And now, the piece de la resistance, a sexy turkey hat that was an Etsy find last year. This picture brings me joy on so many levels. Unfortunately, Angela Catirina's Etsy site is no longer active, but the link on her picture will take you to her blog, you could possibly e-mail her to find out about getting the pattern if you'd like to make one! Pics of different angles of her sexy turkey hat can be seen at this link.

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