Gettin' Made: Scarfin' it Up

Remember those furs that old ladies wear, the fancy old minks that are (rightfully so) oh-so-taboo today?

You can still rock that look in a much more animal-rights-are-cute way; check out this great bunny scarf from RosaleenDhu Designs!

After the jump, more great animal scarves from this unique Etsy seller.


This fab raccoon scarf promises never to get into your garbage, just wrap it around your neck and go take out the trash already!

This black cat would be a perfect accessory to wear to work on Halloween – supercute and festive, but you won't look ridiculous if you're the only person wearing something costumey on the holiday!

I'm not sure if I can post the picture here, but you need to make sure you check out Maire's penis scarf (NSFW)–know someone having a bachelorette party soon? This scarf would really get your party started!


For more information on RosaleenDhu Designs, check out the Etsy site or blog.

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