Gettin' Made: Renegade Craft Fair

Hey Folks! The Gettin' Made Feature is moving to the Heard Mentality section of the OC Weekly site, make a note of it! Heard Mentality is transforming like your fave yellow Camero into an all-emcompassing culture section.



Renegade Craft Fair is finally coming to southern California – this is one of the big awesome craft shows (think Felt Club flavor) that goes on yearly in the U.S., but up until this point it's been held in far-away fabled lands  with exotic names like Brooklyn and Chicago. Admission is free, and with Pabst Blue Ribbon as a sponsor there's most likely some free beers on the horizon.

What should you check out at Renegade? Along with all of the demos taking place and awesome raffle prizes, there's gonna be some amazing goodies by local and not so local artisans. Here's just a couple of my do-not-miss recommendations:



Sweet Meats

The huzzz Josh and I bought our vegetarian friend Gayle a plush steak from these folks as a housewarming present recently – these folks get bonus points for dressing the part with butcher shop aprons and wrapping your purchase in brown paper with a sticker only a grocery store could love.




I first saw Fomato's hilarious notecards at Felt Club a couple of years ago – and I am not kidding I stood at that booth and read every single card and laughed harder and harder the more I read. Buy one for each and every person you know, and then one for all the people you don't, and pass 'em out like candy next Halloween.



copyright berkley illustration


Berkley Illustration

You can never go wrong putting animals in people clothes. You wanna get on my good side? Buy me some prints from Berkley Illustration. Simple as that.





I Made You a Beard

Ok there's not much to get here; they made you a beard. A big ol' yarny beard. And you should be grateful.








Seibei Craft fairs are PRIMO places to find indie t-shirts that no one else has. I first found out about Seibei at May's Unique L.A. event. I saw a dude go blasting through the craft fair wearing Risky Business style sunglasses, with a big ol' shit-eating grin on his face and this tee. He was a dude on a mission to party, and my life was changed forever. I still don't know if I have the gumption to buy this shirt and wear it in public, but I will never forget it and I will never stop pooping!






I could really go on forever, but I'll stop ruining all the indie surprises for you. (or you can see a full list of vendors here) If you make it to Renegade, be sure to come by the Hearts and Laserbeams booth and say hi, stop by the Long Beach Craft Mafia booth and meet my compadres, and we'll see ya at the fair!

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