Gettin' Made: Meet Me On Ocean Avenue

Lookin' for something fun to do this weekend that'll involve shopping, but make you seem really smart and cultured to your friends? How about a trip to the Orange County Museum of Art?


Listen, don't tell me museums are boring – they've currently got an exhibition featuring Georgia O'Keefe paintings, and rumor has it she paints flowers that look like lady parts! Now that I've got your attention, here's where you can work in your shopping addiction. Take your friends through the painting exhibit, and finish up in the gift shop. Then, mention oh-so-casually how much you love the scarves by Ocean Avenue Silks, and how they really capture the painterly brush strokes and feminine wiles of an O'Keefe painting, without causing all the embarassing blushing. And then buy one in every color, because let's face it, you might just have a shopping problem.

Becke has been silk painting for over 10 years now and has had schooling in fashion, illustration and ceramics. In all, she's been an artist for over 20 years and dreams of one day working for herself. All of her pieces are hand-painted and one of a kind, and every single one is gorgeous!


Ocean Avenue Silks will be available at the Orange County Museum of Art gift shop through September 2 – for more information visit the OCMA website or Ocean Avenue Silks' Etsy shop.

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