Gettin' Made: Maxin' and Relaxin'

Ahhhhh, Monday morning. Settle back into your 9-5 cubicle job, grab a cup of tea, it's time to surf the internet!


Did you know you can find herbal teas (that people make themselves!) on Etsy? Herban Lifestyle is one Etsy seller doing just that, providing folks with tea and lots of other goodies for green living.

After the jump, a closer look at the organic offerings by Herban Lifestyle.


Herban Lifestyle's story began years ago, in the late 90s. Mary Kearns was living in New England–working a full time job, raising two daughters, going to school for her doctorate in psychology, she was still able to find time to create all-natural lotions, masques, balms and oils at her online store and local farmers market. When she took a new job in New York City, the longer work schedule meant reluctantly letting her side business go.

Even though she wasn't creating spa products to sell anymore, Mary kept up with her herbal habit and continued to make goodies for her family and friends. She eventually moved to Washington, DC to take a job as a wellness consultant and began studying all things herbal formally. Since she was always being asked about her former side business and had a little free time again, this was the perfect time to get back into it–Herban Lifestyle was born.

Nowadays, Mary's goal with her spa products is to create high-quality bath and body products that are handcrafted with natural, organic and Fair Trade ingredients, in attractive earth-friendly packaging. She embodies the recent trend toward socially-responsible business practices by contributing generously to charitable organizations, and volunteers her time and donates products to local non-profit organizations for their fundraising and outreach efforts.

One product that really caught my eye in the Herban Lifestyle shop was the felted soap – I've never seen something quite like this before! It's a bar of organic soap that's basically encased in felt. The felt provides a scrubby quality as you wash and it's non-slipperyness gaurantees that if you're in a locker room (or prison) situation you won't have to worry about the embarassment (or surprise!) of a you-dropped-the-soap moment.

This year, Mary's daughter Kia joined in the organic bath and body products fun by starting her own line of mineral makeup, Faccia, making this a true family affair. Cheers to you both for creating some fun organic products with ingredients labels we can actually pronounce!


For more information on Herban Lifestyle spa products, visit Mary's website, Etsy shop or blog. Herban Lifestyle is a member of the Washington, D.C. Craft Mafia, and will be at the Green Festival in Washington, D.C. on October 10 and 11; don't forget to check them out if you're going!

For more information on Faccia makeup, visit Kia's Etsy shop.

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