Gettin' Made: Makin' Bacon for Everyone

You know as well as I do that bacon is one of the most perfect foods. So delicious my vegetarian sister gave up the lifestyle for it. Today, let's celebrate it with a selection of fab findings from Etsy.

I love this pillow because it's bacon, but it's subtle. Like classy bacon for the bacon elite.

After the jump, more bacony goodness!


Good lord I do believe I might try to get my mouth washed out just so i could try and eat this baon soap.

These little bacon magnets would totally keep you company while you're cooking in the kitchen!

And speaking of kitchen, check out this great bacon-themed apron!

What are your favorite bacon items on Etsy? You should tell us in the links–do it and you'll be entered in this week's Mincing Mockingbird / Frantic Meerkat giveaway! (see Tuesday's Gettin' Made post for details and rules.)

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