Gettin' Made: Almost Vintage, but Not Quite

Oooh! Do you wanna learn more about the OC Handmade Brigade?

Today we'll meet Brook Owens of Not Quite Vintage and find out about her fabulously 40's inspired accessories, as well as give you another chance to enter to win a box of goodies from the OC Handmade Brigade!


OC Weekly: Tell us about yourself, and what are you doing when you're not crafting?

Brook Owens: I live in Laguna Niguel and work as a shampoo slave, I mean assistant, at a salon in San Juan Capistrano. I am a left-handed crafter who enjoys old movies, red lipstick, Disneyland, blogs, and cussing. When I'm not crafting, I'm taking my 8 month old Boston Terrier, Gus, to the dog park or having full on conversations with him. I am about to be a single dog mother as my boyfriend will be deployed to Afghanistan for a year… but to look on the bright side every night will be craft night – just me, Gus, and ol' Patsy Cline.

OCW: How did you come to meet the gals of the OC Handmade Brigade, and what's the best part of being in the group?

Brook: I met all of them at the first two Handmade Brigade shows – the best part of being part of the group was becoming friends with them. They all crack me up! We are all sooo different. Nina is boss lady, the super nice organized one – always with a smile and who never shows her anger. Jackie is the mellow one but get her talking she says such funny things without even realizing it (or maybe she does!). Melissa is the craft brain of the group; she's always coming up with these wonderful ideas and putting them to work. (I think shes the only one that knows how to work a computer too, haha!) Then there is me, the cussing craft diva – I think I just say what everyone is thinking. All in all, I think we are a great team, because we all get along and have a blast hanging out!

OCW: What's your favorite thing about making stuff? Aside from headbands and embroidery, are there other crafty things you like to do that you keep for yourself?

Brook: I'm my friends' worst shopping partner. I am always saying, “I can make that, don't buy it.” I guess my favorite part about making stuff is that I can actually make things I see in stores. It saves a lot of money and keeps me busy. Also, its really gratifying knowing I can make things myself; it's being unique in a mass produced world. Lately, I have been sewing summer dresses for myself. I love doing all crafts it seems – I go in phases. I love to knit, crochet, scrapbook, make jewelry, cook, glitter things, sew, and embroider. Right now I am having an unhealthy obsession with glitter. Its godawful stuff but so sparkly! I just glittered a Jesus statue, and its by far my most favorite thing I've made in a long time. Jesus + Glitter = how could I resist!

OCW: If you had to pick one craft supply to keep you sane on a desert island what would it be?

Brook: To keep me sane, embroidery. To keep my alive, E6000 glue.


Thanks so much Brook for takin' the time to answer some hard hitting questions! If you'd like to see more crafty goodness from Brook, check out Not Quite Vintage's etsy site. And for more information on the OC Handmade Brigade, you can check out their website.

Also, there's still time to enter to win a free gift box of goodies from the OC Handmade Brigade! Just leave a comment here before midnight on Friday, July 31 telling us what you think of Brook's work and you'll be entered to win. Comment as much as you like, but one entry per person and if you've won in the last 30 days you'll be ineligible so other people have a turn.

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