77 Drummers Drumming on 07/07/07

Japanese psychedelic samurais Boredoms have arranged an amazing spectacle for what some amateur numerologists think will the luckiest day of the century, July 7, 2007. The concert happens at 5 p.m. in the Brooklyn Bridge Park, New York, and is free, but you need to RSVP; it's probably a moot point now anyway.

Led by Boredoms' front man eYe and Hisham Baroocha (ex-Black Dice, Soft Circle, Pixeltan), 77 drummers, arrayed in spiral formation like a boa, will play a score titled 77BOADRUM. The performance celebrates Boredoms' 20th anniversary as a group and the general awesomeness of gathering some of the world's most inventive drummers (including those from Gang of Four, Oneida, Holy Fuck, Gang Gang Dance, Excepter, Crash Worship and many others) in one place to bash their kits in the great outdoors.

Below are two video clips of Boredoms playing Japan's Fuji Rock and England's All Tomorrow's Parties festivals, just to give you the slightest inkling of what's in store tomorrow.

Boredoms at Fuji Rock Festival

Boredoms at All Tomorrow's Parties

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