3OH!3 and Lacrosse, Together Finally in Santa Ana

When you think about lacrosse, you probably think about in-your-face Top 40 hip-pop.  “What an of-these-times sport, really the symbol of my plugged-in, brand-conscious and fiercely/collectively independent generation of consumers,” you likely say to yourself.

Unfortunately, though, that's not the case for everyone.  Some people
associate “lacrosse” with tweed, the word “intervarsity,” the East Coast, and/or false gang rape charges.

It's this second group for whom this weekend's LMX 949 event in Santa Ana seems to exist. What better way to upend stuffy preconceptions about lacrosse than by pairing it with concerts from some of America's hottest/awfullest pop acts like 3OH!3 and Drake?

From the description on the event's website, this shindig seems packed with, you know, action. On the lacrosse side, there will be a showcase (featuring “the best 40 players in the world”) and a match between the men's teams at UCSB and Chapman. On the entertainment side, there'll be comedy and concerts from the above mentioned acts, plus The Cab, Qwes and Samuel Adams.

What's it all add up to? We like this promotional quote: The combination of these unique elements, along with other engaging sponsor-themed
activations, creates an “X-Games” meets “Lollapalooza” atmosphere in a
new Festival-themed sports and entertainment event.
Essentially, it's what every single cool person who buys things has been waiting for.

Purchase tickets, oh lovers of rackets and faux-rappers, here.

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