Contact us via voice mail at (714) 825-8432, or by e-mail: le*****@oc******.com“>le*****@oc******.com. Or write to Letters to the Editor, OC Weekly, P.O. Box 10788, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Or fax: (714) 708-8410. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. All correspondence must include your home city or service provider and a daytime phone number.
Re: Dave Wielenga's No Doubt feature (Feb. 25): It is refreshing to read that Gwen Stefani and her band mates are still relatively down-to-earth, considering the successes they have enjoyed following the 1995 release of their album Tragic Kingdom. It occurred to me that Leonard Phillips uttered some semiprophetic words (if taken out of context) from the similarly themed Dickies mid-1980s EP Stukas Over Disneyland. In the song “Wagon Train,” Phillips sings, “They cast us out, and left us with no doubt. . . .” A bizarre, Twilight Zone-ish coincidence?
Jake Tynes Placentia
When I read Roosevelt Blankenship Jr.'s revenge letter to Dave Barton (Letters, Feb. 25), I cursed myself for not wearing yellow chonies—and congratulated myself for my ignorance of local theater. Dave, you rule.
Steffanie Dinsbach Huntington Beach
Re: Rich Kane's review of the Action Sports Retailer show at the Lava Lounge, particularly the band Secret Hate (Locals Only, Feb. 18): It would help if you hired a writer who actually listened to lyrics and paid attention to the subtleties of the music rather than sitting at the bar getting bent on cosmopolitans. It would also help if the writer knew what the hell he was talking about, instead of regurgitating action words and catch phrases like he had the stomach flu. Personally, I think Kane was struck with an odd sense of homophobic blood lust for the lead singer (Mr. Mike Hate). I cite: “Especially their singer, adept at projecting that manic/pissed/bulging-eyeballed look but relying too often on hackneyed posturing—the lad even dragged out Torrid Rock Clich No. 22886B at one point, yowling into a mic he held in one hand while waving a beer around with the other.” After being struck by this revelation, Kane—reeling in depression and self-loathing and mired in his alcoholic haze— naturally reverted to name calling and withdrawal from the situation. Thank you for your time.
Matt McGraw via e-mail
I had only just read your review this week of References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot (“Not Surreal Dali,”Feb. 4) and was informed by South Coast Rep that you had made a mistake in identifying the actors in your review of the play. I was one of the two leads you failed to correctly identify.
I'm not even going to try to pretend how I feel about what may seem to you a trivial mistake. However, you must know that I worked too hard in this play for such an error. Or is it possible the reason for the mix-up of names is because you sent an intern to critique this play in your stead? I would prefer that to be your excuse. It infuriates me that critics could think actors would take whatever is given to them and remain silent. To not be acknowledged with respect is a huge oversight.
I understand we all make mistakes, and I would gladly leave it at that. But the oversight I'm referring to is not having heard or received any kind of letter of apology from your paper, or better yet, you, the EDITOR! SCR had brought it to your attention just after the review came out, which was some time ago. In short, Mr. Joel Beers, here's my review of your professionalism: IT SUCKS! Thank you for your precious time, and have a good day.
Robert Montano South Coast Repertory Joel Beers responds: Sorry for the fuck-up, and thanks for the sincere letter. It reminded us how great you were in the play. It also reminded us why most actors act—not for good press or three words of praise from a stranger, but for sincere love of craft and the satisfaction of a job well-done. Most. Not all.
Jim Washburn could not have hit the nail more precisely on the head than he did with his version of the “California Voter Information Guide” (Lost in OC, Feb. 25). Actually, I suspect the Mormons of Utah have signed on to Proposition 22 so that the Bible bangers will sign on with them when they try to repeal laws against polygamy and marrying your 10-year-old niece.
If Pete Knight and the people he panders to for re-election contributions are really serious about “protecting” marriage, why didn't they support the lady from OC who wanted to make adultery a criminal offense?
I must say I love the way your paper gets to the bottom of things. You are the only newspaper in the area that has the guts to tell it like it is! Please give us more coverage in Long Beach. The Press-Telegram only regurgitates what City Hall gives them. With their big-bucks backing, you would think they would hire a reporter rather than the columnists they have. You guys could cover Long Beach on your coffee break, as the under-the-table deals at City Hall are so very obvious. Maybe the official dealings of Long Beach and the Port would make a terrific comic section! However, I can understand that, with Huntington Beach so close, you get plenty of fodder.
L.R. Anderson Long Beach