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I'm glad your reviewer liked A Hard Day's Night (Greg Stacy's “One More Hard Day's Night,” Jan. 5). I did, too. But his obsessive reading of sexual nuance in every frame told me a lot more about the reviewer than the movie!

Mark Murphy
via e-mail
Editors note: We're glad you're glad, Mark, but your close reading of just two out of seven paragraphs tells us much more about you than the reviewer.


I was playing golf with my brother-in-law at Monarch Beach Links in Dana Point on Dec. 23 at about 4:30 p.m. We had been joined several holes earlier by a successful, local businessman who had been playing behind us. As we were getting set up on the 18th tee, a youth yelled something at the businessman. The businessman ran up the hill to talk to him about proper manners, I assume. He shoved the youth twice and chastised him for his inexplicable behavior. When he rejoined us on the tee, he said the youth had cursed him and, when confronted, cursed him again.

Bad behavior on both parts, my brother-in-law and I assumed. So here is the information missing from your Jan. 5 “Hey, You!”: a youth verbally attacked a gentleman golfer, and the gentleman golfer attacked the youth with no couth. What is interesting is the manner in which a supposed observer reported the event. We were a threesome, not a foursome; and it was on a tee, not a green. “Anonymous” was right to be concerned for her safety—but her concern should have been because of the youth. What really concerns me is not the combatants' deeds, but Anonymous' statement that “kids will be kids.” Kids don't have any right or excuse to behave badly, just as adults don't. Is this the same kid who threw rocks off the Niguel Shores overpass on PCH, showing no concern for the safety of drivers below? Would you want this kid or the golfer as neighbors?

Bold deeds command bold consequences. I feel sorry for the other two teenagers who witnessed this battering. The kid obviously was a coward and lacked concern for others.

Dennis Holloran
via e-mail


Chris Ziegler has no taste in music. He sticks to only one style and clearly kills whatever gets in his way. I was at Linda's Doll Hut on Dec. 29 and just read his review (“What's a Rock & Roll Nihilist to Do,” Jan. 5). He had a lot of good points but was a little harsh on Flip'n Whiteys. This may not be his style of music, but truthfully, I see a lot of potential as far as mainstream music goes—it's what's in, it's what's now, and that's who is really making the money, isn't it? Maybe he should relive the past on his own time and try writing reviews for the people, not for his buddies' egos. Sorry to be so harsh on the guy, but I've been in the industry for a while and haven't run across such trash yet. Otherwise the paper is great and very informative. . . . Keep up the good work.

Ron Staley
via e-mail


Thank you for the article on Jeffries Fan Club (Alison M. Rosen's “What the Hell Is Happening to Jeffries Fan Club,” Jan. 5). They're a great band and will be missed. But I can't help thinking you were putting Mike Dziurgot down for his beliefs. I really admire his courage to talk with a magazine like yours, though. As a Christian, I can tell you we are not waiting for a war to end the world but for the beginning of a better one. Read the Bible—you might believe it, too.

Denny Jordan


I am sickened that conservative Christian activist Jim Bieber would get fired up and angry over Mr. Coker's statements about Trinity Broadcasting Network's Christmas lights (Letters, Jan. 5). Doesn't he have anything nobler to curse about? I have discussed this 405 freeway spectacle with many of my friends, both Christian and secular, and we all agree that it looks hideous, is a poor use of precious electricity and is a mishandling of TBN's supporters' contributions. I am a Christian. I do not support TBN, but if I did, I would stop doing so the minute I saw their headquarters in Santa Ana. I think Mr. Bieber should find a cause worth fighting for!

Linda Dreiling
Rancho Santa Margarita


I'm sorry Scott Sandin couldn't grasp the ideas illustrated in Roma's House. The sexuality of the characters was not “tacked on”; for once, gay characters were characters first and gay second. As for dialogue, these twentysomethings speak their minds, much like the twentysomethings I know. As for the musical numbers, did he pay attention to the lyrics? Did he notice the subtle changes each character experiences from beginning to end? If he missed these, he missed out on a challenging look at what love can do to people.

I find Sandin's review poorly structured and lacking in proof. A good review should be balanced, well-supported in opinions, and constructively supportive of the arts. Not once was a character, song or plot point mentioned in his review. It's fine that he didn't like it, but I'd be a lot more willing to take his criticism to heart if he had taken the time to support his comments with positive, constructive reasoning as opposed to the groundless ramble he supplied.

Artie O'Daly
author of
Roma's House Scott Sandin responds: I'm sorry you think I didn't support my criticism. At the time, I thought that was the more merciful path.

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