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OC Weekly, P.O. Box 10788, Costa Mesa, CA 92627) or fax (714-708-8410). Letters will be edited for clarity and length. All correspondence must include your home city and a daytime phone number.


I would like to correct errors in the OC Weekly story regarding the recent privatization of government-operated child-care centers in Orange County (Nick Schou's “Out in the Cold,” March 9). The transition of our government-operated daycare centers to privately operated centers went smoothly. We saved taxpayers $1 million per year, and the children we served continue to receive child care operated by private companies. Also not reported by the OC Weekly: we accomplished the three priorities we set for ourselves when we unanimously decided to close those 13 government-operated daycare centers—to ensure the state would maintain existing child-care funding in Orange County; to maintain continued services to children and families at these sites; and to support staff in seeking new opportunities with employment, training and transition resources.

The end result: after 90 days, income-eligible families and children still have tax-supported child care to meet their needs during their process of welfare-to-work and becoming productive and fully self-supporting citizens.

Dr. Ken Williams
Orange County Board of Education
Nick Schou responds: The point of my article was only that the school board saved money by allowing private companies to slash teacher compensation. The teachers with whom I spoke were not very grateful that in addition to the boot in the ass, the school board wishes them well.


Re: Bob Geiss' letter to the editor (March 16): One line in particular caught my eye, “The 1998-2000 grand jury took the Orange County Transit Authority to task on the Centerline light-rail fiasco.” As far as I know, the only OCTA/ Centerline fiasco was OCTA's recent decision to put off the engineering studies needed to build the light-rail line. I am equally confused by the reasons I see and hear from folks who oppose the line. They complain about the cost, the noise and the traffic—all strange, as those are three of several reasons why Orange County must build the line: as a positive alternative to more and bigger freeways. We should be pleased when OCTA comes up with a farsighted improvement plan!

Mark Strickert
Southern California Transit Advocates
Yorba Linda


In his story “Poop Chute” (March 16), Dave Wielenga writes, “Blake Anderson, general manager of OCSD, insists county sewage is carefully measured and falls well within the parameters of the waiver —which he says is justified because the sewage is dispensed into deep water and neither damages the environment nor public health.” I would hate to jump in the pool with Anderson. He obviously believes if he pisses in the deep end, it will not find its way to the shallow end.

Tom Williams
Laguna Beach


Congratulations to Anthony Pignataro for his good piece of investigation on Gary Proctor (“He Knows the Way to San Jose,” March 23). I was really impressed, but where the hell were you when Bill Clinton was doing all his dirty tricks and breaking laws? I bet you were really on top of that and screaming for impeachment. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

Joe Sorci
via e-mail
Anthony Pignataro responds: I hate Bill Clinton, and I vented my disdain for him every time the editor flew me out to D.C. to work in the Weekly's fabulous White House bureau.


R. Scott Moxley's piece on the DA's office is fascinating (“Who the Hell's in Charge?” March 23). I'm afraid, though, another piece in the issue may give ammunition to those who would want to dispute it. In Commie Girl, Rebecca Schoenkopf refers to Shiner Bock as “the national beer of Texas.” No, no, no: Lone Star is the national beer of Texas. Shiner Bock is much better, but that is beside the point. Just wanted you to be prepared in case there is a deluge of letters asking, “How can we trust the Weekly when it comes to Tony Rackauckas (who should lose one of those C's or K's) when it claims Shiner Bock is the national beer of Texas?”

By the way: I don't think Rebecca can really be held responsible for the slip. In the same column, she mentions that talent promoters may have given her a concussion while beating her. That would also explain why she calls Neal Pollock “the greatest writer of his generation.”

Paul Brennan
via e-mail


Dear Mr. OC Weekly: You were recently selected by the Office of the Managing Director for a free listing on the International Executive Guild's CD-ROM. Our researchers gather information from many recognized sources, including professional associations and societies, trade organizations, newspaper and magazine publications, Web presence, and referrals from existing members. As a highly respected professional in your field of expertise, we believe your contributions merit very serious consideration for inclusion on the International Executive Guild's CD-ROM. To maintain the level of accuracy, we ask you to click on the Web address highlighted below and fill out the brief bit of information required for inclusion. There is no cost or obligation to be listed on the International Executive Guild's CD-ROM. Remember, this site is for executives, professionals and entrepreneurs only! Congratulations!

Office of the Managing Director
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