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I'm going to frame Bob Aul's cover illustration of R. Scott Moxley's story on judicial candidate John Adams and hang it on my wall (“Scam Adams,” Oct. 5). On a scale of 1 to 10, it's a 12. Rarely has an artist captured a candidate's essence so perfectly. Character-wise, both Adams and his supporter, Supervisor Todd Spitzer, are Ronald Kline clones, minus the kids. I say this as a registered Republican born in Orange County in 1946. How my party could've jumped on Adams' bandwagon is beyond me. It's embarrassing.

Fred Hermon
Santa Ana

Thanks for Dave Wielenga's “A Is for A-Hole” interview with Kent, the Angels fan from San Clemente (Oct. 25). I stayed home rather than witness these phony dickheads wave their Thunder Sticks at Angels games. They are the same people flying those stupid flags on their cars and waving the red, white and blue for George Bush's war on terrorists! Not to mention the likes of Brad Pitt sitting in the best seats, etc.

I was a die-hard Springsteen fan when no one knew who he was and witnessed the same kind of idiots lining up for the Born In the USA tour because they follow whoever's picture is in People magazine.

Most of the people going nuts during the World Series not only do not follow the Angels, but also probably have never even been to a baseball game.

Carol Neal

All the sheep left Fullerton over a year ago . . . or were you referring to all of the people who read your bitchen little paper (Best of OC, “Sheep,” Oct. 18)?

I am going to put this as succinctly as possible (unlike your articles): your paper sucks.

Dane Henderson
via e-mail The guy we pay to count sheep wakes up and reflexively responds:The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters; He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Mossimo has made it cool to shop at Target (Best of OC, “Mossimo,” Oct. 18)? You should have titled that entry “Pandering for Advertisers.”

Wearing one item from Target is like the root-beer float you see on the dessert menus of four-star restaurants. It's a chichi form of slumming, acceptable only because it's surrounded with things like crme brle and tiramis. If you were to wear all Target clothes . . . well, that would be so sad.

Mark Murphy
Newport Beach

Ned, our now-ex ad director, responds: Target is aWeekly advertiser? Nobody tells me anything around here.


Why do you refer to illegal immigrants as being “undocumented” immigrants (Matt Coker's “A Clockwork Orange,” Oct. 10)? There's an estimated 8 million to 11 million illegal immigrants presently living here, with more arriving every day, during a time when we are dealing with urban sprawl, housing shortages, war, etc.

For the sake of your journalistic integrity and as a show of respect for immigrants who've waited years to become legal citizens, may I suggest you be more precise in your language and leave the spin control to PR firms and lobbyist groups? Please at least think about this the next time you sit in traffic due to our overcrowded freeways.

Long Beach
Matt Coker responds: Sorry, I can't bring myself to refer to a living being as “illegal.” As for what I'll think about while inching along our overcrowded freeways, it certainly won't be my neighbors who break their backs seven days per week to provide their families better lives and keep this county humming by doing the crap jobs no one else will do. Hey! Maybe I'll wonder if you're somewhere out there in traffic—like in that station wagon next to me, with the busted brake light and smoking tailpipe and Bush/Cheney bumper sticker—boiling mad in your self-righteous stew. That'll make me feel better. A POLLISH JOKE?

I have to raise a voice in protest against the United States going it alone in Iraq if the United Nations doesn't approve of our plan (James Ridgeway's “Mondo Washington,” Oct. 4).

I think we should realize that this president was not elected by the majority of the people. He is not, in my opinion, speaking for us in his determination to invade Iraq unilaterally. I don't know who they are polling to get this 70 percent and 80 percent approval of this action. I don't know anyone who feels we should go it alone. Who does our president listen to? Not us.

Eileen Murphy
Huntington Beach

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