Contact us via e-mail le*****@oc******.com“>(le*****@oc******.com), regular mail (Letters to the Editor, OC Weekly, P.O. Box 10788, Costa Mesa, CA 92627) or fax (714-708-8410). Visit our website at Letters will be edited for clarity and length. All correspondence must include your home city and a daytime phone number.
A couple of weeks ago, I lunched on a No. 10 with steamed rice and read an OC Weekly. I was doing fine until I turned to a photo of a nude guy [Tim Miller] with his Flesh Lexus staring me in the face (Donna Perlmutter's “So Long to an American Original,” Jan. 10). I was so shocked to see his moisture missile that I spilled Chinese chile oil on myself. Where the hell was the guy at the Weekly with the black Sharpie who touches up the surgical augmentation and the “self-employed model” ads in the back? Do you mean you feel the need to draw gravity-defying bikinis yet let some guy's schlong run free during my lunch? Have I used enough words to describe that guy's wang? Am I preoccupied with peenie? Does this mean I'm gay? Thanks a lot, OC weekly!
Fountain Valley
With regards to Tim Miller leaving the U.S. for many reasons: since he believes America is a “huge failure,” I don't think he will be too sorely missed. So long, Tim.
Huntington Beach NATIVOTY
It is one thing for Nativo Lopez to rob American citizens through misappropriation of millions of grant dollars. It is still another when he extracts money and allegedly coerces poor, innocent Mexican people seeking his help. But comparing his journey to that of Mary and Joseph's search for lodging (Gustavo Arellano's “El Da de Nuestro Seor Nativo,” Dec. 20) is blasphemous. The church's silence is deafening. Is there not one man amongst the clergy who finds Nativo Lopez's Posadas as heretical and blasphemous as I? At a time when the church needs to restore itself in the eyes of many, take a stand now! I call upon all people to rise up in righteous indignation against Lopez's blasphemy. Enough is enough.
Beatriz Salas
Santa Ana Editor's note: Salas is a member of Families for Education First, one group seeking to recall Lopez from the Santa Ana Unified School Board. RANT, REPUBLICAN, REPEAT
When it comes to the economy, President George W. Bush is demonstrating genuine leadership. The economic-growth package he recently proposed takes us in the right direction by accelerating the successful tax cuts of 2001, providing marriage penalty relief, and providing incentives for individuals and small businesses to save and invest.
Kerry Mahle
Costa Mesa
When it comes to the economy, President Bush is demonstrating genuine leadership. The economic-growth package he recently proposed takes us in the right direction by accelerating the successful tax cuts of 2001, providing marriage penalty relief, and providing incentives for individuals and small businesses to save and invest.
Thad Kaul
Los Angeles
When it comes to the economy, President Bush blah blah blah genuine leadership. The economic-growth package blah blah blah accelerating successful tax cuts of blah blah blah providing marriage penalty relief blah blah blah small businesses to save and invest.
Kelly Knutson
Re: Rich Kane's “Steaming Malmsteen” (Dec. 20): Kane writes about an audio file that has been alleged to be a recording of guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen threatening a woman's life on a flight to Japan. The woman had apparently dumped water on Mr. Malmsteen for making anti-gay comments. At least that's the rumor. This file has been on every guitar-related discussion group on the web. I'm wondering where Mr. Kane is getting his information. Nowhere on the recording is there any form of gay-bashing whatsoever. How does Mr. Kane know what was the cause of this incident? Nowhere on the recording is any proof that it was water dumped on Yngwie. Please have your “journalists” refrain from writing articles based on rumor. Please check your sources and spank Rich Kane repeatedly.
Ron Gallagher
via e-mail GUN CONTROL
I enjoyed Steve Lowery's article about Orange County gays arming themselves (“They're Here, They're Queer, They're Armed,” Jan. 10). It is a fundamental human right to use deadly force against any malicious, deadly criminal threat. I'm sad that so many gay critics of the Pink Pistols don't distinguish between aggressive violence and legitimate self-defense (going after your enemies vs. shooting someone who threatens you with imminent violence). By the way, your article quotes “John” as criticizing the Pink Pistols poster for showing a gay holding a gun in the police-isosceles position—facing forward, both hands on the gun, armed fully extended forward. John advocates a more bladed approach—elbows bent, body turned toward the side. Your readers should realize that the Pink Pistols poster is not wrong nor does it reflect firearms ignorance. There is an authentic disagreement among defensive handgun experts as to which position is best. Some say that the position John advocates makes the body a smaller target and allows for faster shooting with powerful calibers that recoil. Others say that the isosceles-style shooter is more likely to maintain control over his aim when the hands tremble under heavy stress. Still others say that the best choice depends upon the length and strength of one's arms.
Frank Silbermann
via e-mail An editor sitting in a bathroom stall with the lights out and a flashlight responds:Both hands on the gun . . . fully extended . . . body turned toward the side . . . defensive handgun experts . . . which position is best . . . body a smaller target . . . faster shooting . . . powerful calibers . . . recoil . . . maintain control . . . aim . . . hands tremble . . . heavy stress . . . length and strength of one's arms. And I'm spent. Anyone got a cigarette?
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