Contact us via e-mail le*****@oc******.com“>(le*****@oc******.com), regular mail (Letters to the Editor, OC Weekly, P.O. Box 10788, Costa Mesa, CA 92627) or fax (714-708-8410). Letters will be edited for clarity and length. All correspondence must include your home city and a daytime phone number.
Again Orange County has completely proved itself to be ignorant and stuck in 1910. How dare you publish Stacy Davies' article “Sex and Dancing Lesbos” (Feb. 7). I mean, have you no shame? I'm a gay woman living in Newport Beach. I don't hate men, and I don't want to be one, either. It's no longer cool to hate. That ended around the 1960s. Where have you been? This Stacy Davies character is obviously thumping her bible a little to [sic] hard on her tiny head. It's starting to destroy whatever is left. NOTHING!
via e-mail
Stacy Davies responds: As everyone else who read “Sex and Dancing Lesbos” realized, the italicized remarks at the beginning and end of the piece were inaccurate, hate-filled stereotypes many heterosexuals have about homos that I juxtaposed with the un-italicized account of a typical morning in my real-life lesbian world. But while the gay stereotypes mentioned in the article were proven inaccurate, even foolish by my personal account—thought by most to be amazingly sweet, especially by my gorgeous fiance who made hot, passionate, lesbian love to me that night without using a strap-on—the stereotypes that lesbians can be short-sighted, reactionary and humorless have been proven true by your letter.
Many thanks to Buddy Seigal for giving some much-needed attention (and props) to one of OC's hidden musical gems (“This Cat Never Strayed,” Feb. 21). Lee Rocker is quite simply the best standup-bass player since Willie Dixon. He's a magnificently gifted musician who makes fronting a band—while playing a very difficult instrument—seem effortless. It doesn't hurt either that he's a nice guy. While his fellow Cat Brian Setzer—who was always more interested in being “Bobby Darin” than “Eddie Cochran”—has set up his “big band,” Rocker (and Slim Jim Phantom) have used well the years since the Stray Cats' heyday to explore their blues and proto-rockabilly roots, often taking a bare-bones approach. This exploration and the ensuing years have taken Lee Rocker from the brilliant “homage” of his youth to a true understanding of, connection with and feel for the music he writes and performs. And it doesn't hurt that he puts on one hell of a show!
Mike Ramsey
Huntington Beach
Hey, who among you got the brilliant idea to rip-off The Onion? You're [sic] “Ask Brite Floss” or whatever it was titled (Anthony Pignataro's “Ask FlossBrite,” Feb. 14) couldn't have been more derivative. And it wasn't funny, either. Surely you can do better. The advice column that appeared a few weeks ago, the one from the ex-con, was far more clever and actually informative!
Meredith Bohannon
via e-mail
Editor FlossBrite responds:“Though most believe in the great smile and added health resulting from good oral care and regular flossing, 90 percent of us regard flossing as difficult, frustrating and time-consuming, so we choose not to floss regularly.”
After reading the article “Pop Off!” (“Hey, You!” Feb. 21), I just wanted to laugh. Who cares what people listen to and if they're poseurs? Someday, the PUNK trend will fade, and they'll have some other trend. And people have their choice of music. They can listen to whatever they feel like listening to; if they think pop is good, then let it be. Though I agree with you that Bad Religion and Dead Kennedys are great bands, punk is what you make of it. It's just another name for a genre of music. Just let people listen to their music, and you can listen to your music. Everyone's happy.
Squid Rottan
via e-mail
The editor responds: You seem kind, thoughtful and well-adjusted. Cut it out.
Re: Paul Brennan's expos of The Orange County Register's Steven Greenhut (“Segregation's Last Best Defender,”Feb. 21): Why do you think that when Trent Lott—a white guy over 55 from Mississippi—says this sort of thing (that the Confederacy is good, that “states rights” was its greatest political achievement), he's driven from his top job in the Senate, but when a Register writer writes the same thing . . . nobody says anything?
Alex Ikorn
via e-mail
“They Keep Driving Dixie Down” is listed on the site as being written by Mark Winchell. However, Brennan says the article was written by Greenhut. Either changed the author of one of their stories or OC Weekly made a horrible mistake.
Andy Justice
via e-mail
Paul Brennan responds: The article Andy refers to, “Driving Dixie Down,” was indeed written by Mark Royden Winchell and posted on in October 2001 ( The article I referred to, “They Keep Driving Dixie Down,” was written by Steven Greenhut and posted on the same site in January 2003 ( greenhut1.html). They are two separate articles, something that's clear when you note that Greenhut's piece deals with events after October 2001: Thomas Pickering (resubmitted to the Senate, January 2003), Trent Lott (foot into mouth, Dec. 7, 2002—Pearl Harbor Day!), and the neo-Confederates of the California Republican Party (story broke, Jan. 4, 2003).
As long as you bring it up, Andy, isn't the lewrockwell site amazing? Rockwell is at the leading edge of a new phenomenon on the Right—instead of blaming Clinton and his wandering penis for everything wrong with this country, they blame Lincoln. Next time you're there, look around and enjoy such stories as “Lincoln: Slavery A-OK.” This anti-Lincoln impulse seems to have its origins in the property rights/takings clause movement, which often cites the end of slavery as the biggest uncompensated government seizure of property in American history, and therefore a very wicked thing indeed.