Scowls on the faces of “cartoon” figures of Bill Frist, Rick Santorum and Newt “The Brute” (as he was so hatefully named by Democrats) Gingrich. This is the nature of contemporary liberal politics [“Troubletown,” May 9]. Vilify the “repugs.” “Republicans comes in the dictionary between repugnant and reptile,” said one so-called compassionate (ha!) Hollywood liberal. Democrats, like “cartoonist” Lloyd Dangle, vilify “right wingers” in the most hateful and malicious manner possible and when challenged usually reply, “Hey, we were JUST KIDDING! Can't you take a joke?” Liberal hatred and maliciousness is NOT “a joke.” Bush-hating anti-war protesters lying down and blocking traffic is not “a joke.” Calling President Bush “a moron” and “a Nazi” and “a terrorist” and wishing for “a million Mogadishus” are supremely hateful acts by Democrats. Democrats' hateful words are identical to those of enemies who wish to kill us all. Democrats repeat endlessly so many Big Lies I scarcely know where to begin to address them all. From the hateful act of aborting innocent, unborn children, particularly partial-birth abortions, to demanding ever larger, more onerous government, to ever higher taxes to pay for the endless Democrat plans, to the dumbing down of our children by liberal educators, Democrats are, as Dennis Prager so aptly put it, “wrecking America. Wrecking it. Wrecking it. Wrecking it.”
John Jaeger
Lloyd Dangle responds: I'm glad thatTroubletown could inspire John Jaeger to pen such vivid free-association against hatred (probably something he learned in one of those hippie-dippie Republican voucher schools). But what does all this stuff about Democrats have to do with me? I enjoy drawing scowls on them as much as anybody; it's just that with Republicans in control of both branches of government and reaching daily for new heights of mendacity, self-dealing and the upward transfer of wealth, I can barely keep up. Jaeger's old-school rhetoric indicates that he's fallen out of step. Wake up and smell the Republican Party of today, John! Big-spending, deficit-producing, nation-building, putting the needs of business over the environment, giving the feds more power to spy and intrude on individuals, and 100 percent co-opted by special interests (the richest 2 percent). All things you are against, right? Republicans: as Joseph Conrad might say, “The horror, the horror! Horror, horror, horror!”
The “curator” of Jewhoo, yours truly, was happy to see the mention of his website [Buddy Siegal's “Jew or Not Jew,” June 6]. As a personal aside, if you had to deal with endless searches for David Lee Roth and Gene Simmons—and the masses don't know anyone else—you would get a bit frustrated at the idiots who cannot look up anything except via a search engine. Listen, Roth is a jerk in many ways, but he's not that much bigger an asshole than countless other people in rock. By the way, Richard Marx is hardly our embarrassment. Only his father was Jewish and I am reliably informed that he was raised nothing and his Jewishness is fairly minimal. Oh, and Lord forgive me, I like Neil Diamond up until about 1970. He wrote really good bouncy pop tunes. Then he became a joke.
Nate Bloom
I was extremely surprise [sic] when I read your article on about the Santa Ana Animal Shelter [Julian Smith-Newman's “Fido's Last Stop,” April 18]. I had the pleasure to be a volunteer and help the shelter in every way possible. Unfortunately, the article only mentions the bad things. You did not bother to write about the good things in that shelter. People really care, but it is very difficult when they don't get enough funds to have the place running the way it should. Us volunteers have foster animals, gone [sic] to adoption events and other meaningful things. Your article in other words was poorly written and I would love to know how long was your investigation? Instead of complaining about the shelter you should do whatever you can to help out those poor animals!
Via email
The editor responds: It's not our job to shill for the shelter—we leave that to the professionals—but you've been talking too much to the animals and not nearly enough to humans who read. Read the 250 or so words between “the shelter has lately bloomed” and Maria Dales' comment that she and other animal-rights activists have “basically gotten everything we've asked for” from shelter officials.
“Things We've Heard in Bars” [May 23] is one of my favorites. I used to work the door at the Studio Cafe on the Balboa Peninsula on weekends. One night, at closing, the bartenders were cashing out, and we had a couple of the local Peninsula rats/trust-fund babies hanging out, sharing stories and enjoying a shot before we kicked them out the door. This one guy is sitting next to the window and he's drunk—not falling-down, slurring-his-speech drunk, but that rare kind of introspective, philosophical drunk. He and his girlfriend—another Peninsula rat—had decided to go their separate ways. He looked up, and kinda gasped out for all of our attention. All eyes were on him. He said, “You don't break up with your girlfriend here. You just lose your place in line.'' I don't think I've ever heard anything in a bar so funny or profound.
Dirk Yarborough
Via email
In his review of the controversial documentary Capturing the Friedmans (“Not-So-Typical Family Outing,” June 13), Greg Stacy wrote “David [Friedman] did indeed have an unhealthy interest in underage boys . . .” Stacy meant to write that David's father, Arnold, had the unhealthy interest and offers his apologies to the surviving Friedmans, filmmaker Andrew Jarecki and any of their lawyers.