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In his column on the Righteous Brothers [“We've Lost That Self-Righteous Feeling,” Nov. 28], of whom I'm a fan, Jim Washburn wrote “Jim Crow wasn't much of a factor by the early 1960s.” I happen to be old enough to remember those often harrowing days. And I happen to be African American. Washburn's assertion is, I believe, off by a decade. Alabama had an all-white football team in the early 1970s. I clearly recall rooting for an integrated Notre Dame football team, led by quarterback Joe Theisman, against an all-white University of Texas squad in the 1970 Cotton Bowl. And I clearly recall watching in the early 1970s an all-white University of Kentucky team play basketball. Since most young people view history as roadkill in the highway of life—to be avoided at all cost—many of them don't know that, yes, at one time not that long ago, big-time, major colleges actually competed in basketball without a single black.

Thomas A. Boyd
Via e-mail

I am greatly disappointed in your publication for provoking the unethical music (so-called) talents of the Willowz and most notably Richie Eaton [Chris Ziegler's “Get Everywhere,” Nov. 7]. I believe the only notable crumb of fact in the whole article was when the Willowz were called the most hated band in Anaheim. Eaton is not responsible for anything worth mentioning other than taking credit for the groundwork laid by other local musicians. If you were to ask in the scene who was responsible for whatever music movement in Anaheim there is, you might come up with three names, and Eaton would not be one of them. But I can guarantee you he's taken credit for their hard work and commitment to making the music scene that we all love/hate today. Shame on you, OC Weekly. Shame on you, Chris Ziegler.

We're assuming Anaheim

Ziegler responds:If this is Jeff, leave me alone.


I swear OC Weekly has a minion of the World Allied Conspiratorial Kongress of Idiotarians Everywhere (better known as WACKIE) in its employ with the author of the Toubletown cartoon, Mr. Addle-brained Dodo Dangle-bird [Lloyd Dangle]. This cartoon, as amusing as it is (I have a bipartisan sense of humor that gets me in more trouble than you would readily believe possible) is truly a Thanksgiving turkey [Nov. 28]. It is easy to attack a successful policy, and its instigators, when its enactment meets with your disapproval. Too bad the author doesn't expend as much energy actually reading stories that explain, with utter clarity, why we fight TWAT (The War Against Terror).

Kiril Kundurazieff
Costa Mesa


If Gustavo Arellano's irresponsible reporting of the Wilshire Square neighborhood [“Principal Gone Wild!” Nov. 14] is an indicator of his caliber of reporting, then perhaps “Writer Gone Wild!” is more accurate. His statement that “Lathrop is located in a rough neighborhood even by the standards of Santa Ana's barrios, so rough many teachers take computers home with them for safekeeping” defies the most recent CNN America's Safest Cities report listing Santa Ana as the fourth-safest city in the nation, with a population of 300,000-plus. Our community does not need anonymous interlopers discrediting and maligning our fine neighborhood. The Wilshire Square neighborhood is considered one of the city's gems and was home to Mayor Pulido at one time, and Councilmember Lisa Bist currently resides here. Since the integrity of Arellano's reporting is questionable regarding Wilshire Square, one can only wonder if his description of the “acrimonious dispute between teachers and principal” is accurate.

Carolina Reyes
Santa Ana

Gustavo Arellano replies:Somebody's watching too much TV. Look, Carolina, Wilshire Square? Nice place—if you like living across Main Street from one of the craziest barrios in OC.


How does Greg Stacy get the nerve to criticize Ayn Rand in such a manner [“Capital Ideas,” Nov. 28] when he surely hasn't taken the time to research her life and get to know who she truly was? Instead, he apparently relied on second-hand sources for information about her to create his worthless hatchet piece.

Adrian Apollo


I would like to commend Leslie Bruce and Hallie Haglund for their article “Fish-Free Sea” [Nov. 28]. Indeed, the problem of overfishing is catastrophic. The ones who pay the largest hidden costs are not only the fish being targeted but the vast diversity of ocean species that are being slaughtered by industrial fishing. In the Pacific Ocean, more than 4 million dolphins, whales, porpoises, sea turtles, seals, billfish and sharks are maimed and killed annually by longline fishing for tuna and swordfish alone. The impact on the Pacific leatherback sea turtle, a species estimated to be more than 100 million years old, has been devastating. The leatherback's population has collapsed by 95 percent in just the past 20 years, and the species is expected to go extinct within the next 25 years if we don't act now.

Robert Ovetz, Ph.D.
Marine Species Campaigner
Sea Turtle Restoration Project
Forest Knolls


Who's Placentia Mayor Scott Brady to decide that a mostly generations-old residential community needs to be “livened up”? [Gustavo Arellano's “A Very Brady Scandal,” Nov. 14]. Would a railroad station with all-night transients be better? It has been my experience that redevelopment means money in the pocket of developers, often as gifts, ahem, enhancements from local government that does little or nothing for the citizens and taxpayers who are already there. Oh, they'll probably talk about an affordable housing element, but affordable for whom? Probably not for those who are forced out. New businesses? Most likely big national and/or international chains for enticing yuppies from out of town. What's wrong with the businesses there now? Nothing, except that they are small, family-owned enterprises for the most part, and catering to a mostly local clientele.

R. Dean Whinery

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