
Letters may be edited for clarity and length. E-mail to le*****@oc******.com“>le*****@oc******.com, or send to Letters to the Editor, c/oOC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Or fax to (714) 550-5908.


Although a Londoner, I enjoy reading the Weekly. It's nice to get a relaxed take on another part of the world. My gosh, the “Meat Me In Hell” review [Jan. 16]made me realize that it's not just a big pool of water and chunk of land that separates me from you. All that meat! I struggled to think of a 12-inch burger and how on earth I could eat it, let alone the piles of rib-eye and the stoplight system. I made the mistake of reading the article on Saturday evening while I was idly thinking about dinner. By the time I finished it, I felt so full that I decided to nibble on some fruit. A good read, as usual, but makes our steaks, ribs, etc., in Europe look dinky—and very expensive.

Sean Golding
via e-mail

I loved Dan Mathews' article [“Like Gross,” Jan. 16]. As an ethical vegan, I find it hard to convince my meat-eating family and friends about the dark side of factory farming. I am going to make a copy of the article, put it in my cruelty-free pleather purse and whip it out at the next family barbecue.

Laura Frisk
via e-mail

Thanks very much for last week's article by Dan Mathews with all the disgusting facts about meat. I haven't eaten the decaying flesh of dead animals in 12 years, and I have never felt healthier or more fit in my life.

Scott Nass
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Didn't know who to e-mail but just wanted to say great article [Theo Douglas' “Von Who?” Jan. 9]. I can't tell you how many times I've walked up to someone wearing Von Dutch gear and asked them if they know who he really was. I really stump them when I ask if they've ever heard of Kenneth Howard. I did an art paper on Dutch two years back and amazed my peers who simply thought it was just a clothing company. Keep up the good work!

Scott Tomkins
via e-mail

As a huge fan of Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, I read the article “Von Who?” with great interest. Roth has been an inspiration for me artistically in so many ways; I am sure he has inspired many people. I have also heard he could be a very challenging person at times, but who isn't?

Theo Douglas wrote that Von Dutch was a racist, alcoholic genius, but he forgot to include how many people have been inspired by Von Dutch, including myself. Von Dutch and Roth created a new style of art in the late '50s and early '60s—an art that can never be replaced. Douglas touched on Von Dutch's art but not as much as he should have. I don't know if Theo wrote this mean, vindictive article to get some attention and maybe some cash, but he completely missed the positive points of Von Dutch. I know that almost every person who wears Von Dutch clothing doesn't know what it stands for; they just think of it as a fashion. And I admit that bugs me, but Von Dutch should have all the recognition in the world, and if that means his name on hats and T-shirts, then so be it!

I am only 13 years old, and I love drawing and sculpting, and I hope I can start making cars out of fiberglass and pinstripe them for a hobby. And I give thanks to Von Dutch and Ed Roth for helping me get there!

Jacqueline (Jackie) Allyn
Costa Mesa


Amazing how you allowed John Beane's review of The Rose Tattoo [“Not So Soiled Rose,” Jan. 9] to be published. John states, “Tennessee Williams was a dirty homosexual.” If Mr. Williams was a heterosexual, would you have stated that he was a “dirty heterosexual”? I think not, and I fail to see the relevance. The insults thrown the way of Tennessee Williams and the Long Beach Playhouse's production of his classic The Rose Tattoo went well beyond acceptable journalism, and I feel that OC Weekly has really gone over the edge in this one. John comes off as being nothing more than a novice with a poor selection of words and insults. I have forwarded your review to other notable theater critics, the Tennessee Williams foundation, and to the Human Rights Campaign Fund. I am sure you will be receiving their feedback as well.

Steve and Brenda Glassman
Laguna Beach

The editor responds: Steve, Brenda, have you read our paper? I gotta tell ya, calling someone a dirty homosexual is pretty mild by our standards. Normally, we'd not only say that, but we'd also get all up in there with descriptions of thrusting digits and whatnot. But Beane's a new writer for us, and we thought he might be uncomfortable with us injecting our home life into the thing. Anyway, yeah, we say nasty things, usually saving the nastiest for closed-minded, humorless gay-bashers such as the Reverend Lou Sheldon and Bob Dornan, though we do enjoy saying equally nasty things about closed-minded, humorless people such as yourselves.


While reading Commie Girl's piece about John Edwards [“Who's Your Daddy?” Jan. 16], I was reminded of the moment he got my vote. It was on the Bill Maher show. Referring to his looks, Bill said, “So what about the Breck Girl factor?” Edwards looked hurt and stunned for a nanosecond. Then in a brilliant flash he replied, “Why, Bill, I resent that question. I'm MUCH prettier than the Breck Girl.” He then steered the discussion onto the issues and kicked ass.

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What is wrong with you people? I pick up your Christmas issue [“Tales From Real Life: Holiday Horrors!” Dec. 26] and see that it's about holiday comics, and I expect to find something kinda funny and, knowing the Weekly, maybe a little edgy. What do I get? Suicides, abusive parents, car accidents, someone having sex with Santa? Jesus! Can't you just relax and enjoy something for once? It's Christmas!

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