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In regards to Greg Stacy's “59 Reasons Bush Sucks” [Oct. 8], Point No. 7: Exactly what could have Bush done on Sept. 11 during those minutes that he was a useless lump in that Florida classroom? Should he have ripped open his dress shirt to reveal a scarlet W and fly off to New York to save the dying towers? That part of Fahrenheit 9/11 is the most manipulative moment of Moore's entire film. It is visually damning, but realistically, what could have Bush done? Aside from that, Greg's story and your compendium of conservative critiques were sheer excellence.
Pablo Sergio Serrato
Placentia Greg Stacy responds: I think I've said all I need to about Bush for now, and if you saw Fahrenheit 9/11 and thought Bush's response was appropriate, I don't know what the hell to tell you. GOOD CATHOLICS
Thank you for “The Worst Things Yelled at a Catholic Sex-Abuse Survivor” [The Best of OC, Oct. 22]. I am not a victim of clergy sex abuse but am a Catholic who passionately supports the victims of abuse who are seeking justice and healing. For any Catholic who does not believe the hurtful statements some Catholics make to victims of abuse, I recommend they attend one of the SNAP [Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests] meetings or leafleting events at a Catholic parish. This summer, I learned firsthand that many Catholics want victims to keep quiet and out of sight; it's easier for them to go on with their lives that way, pretending all this destruction to innocent children did not take place. The behavior of fellow Catholics—turning their backs on victims—breaks my heart. If it weren't for the victims' efforts, the protection of children from clergy abuse would continue to be at risk. I'm thankful that victims share the passion for children's safety to continue their efforts. God bless them.
Debby Bodkin
Aliso Viejo GOOD TIMES
Enjoyed your piece on Reggie Jackson [“Bad Meetings with Great People,” Oct. 1]. Every time I hear Jackson mentioned, I recall when the Angels signed him, while I was news editor/photographer at the Anaheim Bulletin. Dennis Beets, our sports editor, was not impressed. “Why do the Angels need a 'Mr. October'?” he asked. “The Angels don't play in October.”
R. Dean Whinery B.
Thanks for Gustavo Arellano's great article “Genius in Our Midst” [Oct. 1] about Rueben Martinez. I remember the night that Gustavo referred to like it was yesterday. We were all standing around the counter, having a great time admiring the rambunctious crowd when we got the bad news that the other Ruben Martinez would not be coming. Rueben had to suck it up and deliver the bad news to our customers. But like Gustavo said, he really turned it on and gave another one of his patented inspirational talks and welcomed everybody back for the next evening. Thanks for the ink and for sharing that memorable moment in such a fascinating and positive way.
John J. Reza
via e-mail
Great bio on Wayne Baglin [The Best of OC: “The County's Most Independent Politician,” Oct. 22]. Guess you guys know from some of my input that he's the only politico—left, right or center—who has openly placed his ass on the line for the environment, especially water quality, in South Orange County. Mayor Pro Tem of Aliso Viejo Karl Warkomski (Green Party) runs a close second with his Sierra Club ties. Wayne even helped Clean Water Now! Coalition confront Mission Viejo Mayor Sherri Butterfield several years ago, right in the Mission Viejo council chambers. No one else ever stood with us, certainly not Laguna Beach City Councilwoman Toni (Faux-Nee Enviro) Iseman.
Roger von Butow
Clean Water Now! Coalition
Laguna Beach GOOD GOD!
Thank you for crowning my radio show No. 1 [Best of OC, Oct. 22]! I was just starting to complain about no one hearing my show, and now I've spent the whole week high-fiving friends, associates, relatives and—OH, MY GOD!—FANS!!!
Steve Sherlock
The Cinema Subway, KUCI-FM 88.9
WHAT THE . . . ?
In his article “Homage to Babylonia” [Oct. 8], Nick Schou gives a review of Jon Lee Anderson's new book, Fall of Baghdad, in which Anderson is greatly disturbed that the U.S. military allowed Iraqis to loot Baghdad's museums of priceless artifacts. This made no sense to him. He should have investigated further. In my gigantic file I have accumulated since Sept. 11, there is a small article that tells about the U.S. going into one of Saddam's palaces before the bombings and removing artifacts of more importance and value than all of the combined treasures that were left for looting by the Iraqis. Many other artifacts of great importance were also taken. I believe the Iraqi people were allowed to loot and ransack to provide a “cover” for the U.S.
Brenda Brada
Hoping to be over-the-top funny and still direct readers to a smoking-hot smoke shop, a Weekly reporter writing in our Best of OC issue erroneously implied that you might be able to test drive dildos at Prissy's Smoke Shop (12136 Beach Blvd., Stanton). That, a Prissy's employee pointed out, would be not just illegal but also unsanitary. We regret the joke. We don't know why we do these things. I mean, I think sometimes we want to fail. Why would we go out of our way to write something that was not only untrue, but also gross and hurtful to a prospective advertiser? I mean, we liiiiiikedhis shop. A lot. You should go to Prissy's Smoke Shop at 12136 Beach Blvd., Stanton. Why couldn't we have just said that? Why do we have such a problem with commitment? Why, even when we like something—especiallywhen we like something—do we always have to recommend that people shove this object into that opening? Why? WHY?