Letters may be edited for clarity and length. E-mail to le*****@oc******.com, or send to Letters to the Editor, c/o OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Or fax to (714) 550-5908.
I get it that OC Weeklyand Dr. Gregory Benford have a problem with Michael Crichton [Nick Schou's “Science Friction,” Feb. 24]. Both seem to miss Crichton's point, however, which is not so much a dismissal of global warming but of the bad science used to support the idea. Just because Bush praised Crichton, a grievous sin of association to the OC Weekly, does not mean he has made invalid points, and Benford offers up no real disagreement with Crichton's principal concern. To the contrary, Dr. Benford states, “I don't think anybody knows if or when there's a tipping point,” which is exactly Crichton's point: it's damn near impossible to make long-term climatic predictions. Since Benford agrees with Crichton on the big picture, perhaps he too will get invited to the Bush White House and will find himself next in line for an OC Weekly public caning!
Douglas R. Keene, Ph.D.
Via e-mail
Here we go again with another stereotypical, liberal, non-Christian, pseudo-artistic intellectual person giving an imbecile opinion about Christians [Gustavo Arellano's “Jesus Kills,” Feb. 24]. What's wrong with wanting to go to Jerusalem and being passionate about it? If you read the Bible, you would realize that that IS where all the action is and is going to be! And as far as wanting the end of the world to come and be in heaven where (we believe) we will be with our Savior Jesus Christ, what's wrong with that? What an IMBECILE!
Ken Earnest
Via e-mail
Whenever I need to laugh at the crazy world around me, your rag has never failed to make me laugh or—heaven forbid—make me think. Your counterculture perspective always makes me view things from a different angle, which is good. However, I could not help but notice that in your attempt to backhand the Bible thumpers, you stooped to the ultimate pussy-ass techniques perpetrated by the mainstream media. The publisher's obvious attempt at copycatting the Mohammed cartoon by showing a well-armed Jesus showed no balls. I'm disappointed. Did the Islamic boys scare you so much you chose not to run the Mohammed cartoon but instead you went for the cop-out story of “Jesus Kills” because the Christian folks won't car-bomb your ass? Pussies. I want a refund on my free subscription.
Michael Crose
Via e-mail
“Jesus Kills” was scary for a couple of reasons. It frightened me because so many of my South County friends and neighbors are apparently willing to buy into death cults and millennial fever in the year 2006. Second, the article frightened me because it showcased how a few charismatic individuals are able to manipulate the masses with a little so-called “conservative” politics. Finally, the article frightened me because, hey, isn't this the exact type of mindset that we're supposed to be fighting in our war on terror?
Laguna Niguel
My brother and I have a couple of stores in Orange County, and were seriously considering advertising with you guys. But after seeing the negative cover about Jesus, you can forget it!
Via e-mail
Until today I had written off Gustavo Arellano as a La Raza-loving Mexican nationalist who thinks California should be returned to Mexico immediately. Then I read “Jesus Kills.” I have since gained new respect for Arellano. Anyone who can sit in a room full of those whackos for two whole days without standing up and screaming is a saint.
Via e-mail
“Jesus Kills” made my palms sweat with nervousness knowing that there are these types of scary Bible thumpers in my own county—indeed, in my own town!
Portia Corrales
San Juan Capistrano
Muslim whackos, Christian whackos: they're all the same. They live in fear. Thanks for your work.
Via e-mail
I wish you'd made more of the connection between these folks and our current administration. You lined up all the dots, but many people still don't connect them. Anyway, thanks for the great article. It's good to see reason and common sense in this OC wilderness.
Roger B.
Via e-mail
You know damn well that these crazies babbling about the End Times are not regular Christians. You and your ancestors received the real Jesus from the friars after whom the town of San Juan Capistrano is named. You should not shame yourself by associating the name of Jesus with these mad people.
Mike Davis
Via e-mail
In “People Will Die” [Feb. 17], Nick Schou reported that Integrated HealthCare Holdings Inc. (IHHI), which owns Santa Ana's Western Medical Center, is suing Dr. Michael Fitzgibbons for his outspoken efforts to protect the hospital's financial stability and improve patient care. The Weekly regrets the following errors in the story: the survey on cleanliness that the hospital failed was a survey conducted by a consulting firm, not an actual hospital accreditation organization; and doctors have complained that the hospital's scalpels were of poor quality, not that they were being reused.
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In “Dr. Jihad” [March 3], Gustavo Arellano reported that in 2002, the conservative website WorldNetDaily published a fund-raising plea on behalf of self-proclaimed Islam expert Robert Morey's Research and Education Foundation. Actually, the site was ConservativeHQ.com.