> Corporate Avenger, Taxes Are Stealing. “Finally, the message of the Avenger has hit the streets! This CD rips apart and exposes the lies fed to us by our government, Christians and corporate America. This is no OC orange-shade-wearing, spiky-haired, wallet-chain rock—this is the real deal. Buy this CD, and learn how you've been lied to.”
> Cisco Poison, It's a Long Way to Heaven. “Singer/songwriter Joe Wood's project after T.S.O.L. This CD came out a few years back, and in my opinion, Wood can do no wrong. I love everything he does. He was a huge influence on me.”
> Loony Binn. “No-choice hip-hop straight out of Long Beach. Really dope. These MCs will tear up anybody. They'll be huge—you read it here first.”
> Drown, Kerosene EP (only available at www.drown.net). “Call it self-indulgent, but the '1605 Allstar' song, with Jerred from Hed(pe), Ty from Videodrone, Corporate Avenger on vocals and Ryan Shuck on guitar, came out so fresh I can't stop listening to it. Great work, guys.”
> Mike Ness, Cheating at Solitaire. “Another artist who can do no wrong. This album rules, and just to push it over the top, it features another one of my favorites, Bruce Springsteen, on the track 'Misery Loves Company.' Awesome.”
> Videodrone, Videodrone. “Cradle of Thorns were a great band, and they became Videodrone. This album is up another level from their previous work:dark, serious and danceable, music to kill to and have sex to (not at the same time, please).”
> The Psycho Realm, A War Story (Book 1). “This CD is fuckin' ill.”
> Rose Tattoo. “Never too loud because they're the greatest rock N roll band ever.“
> Steve Earle. “Everything. Go buy all of his albums immediately! He's the greatest country/rock crossover artist ever (Garth Brooks, kiss my ass). His records are as real as it gets. Pure genius.”