Justin Bieber Gets Grills, Fans Freak the Fuck Out (One Threatens to Kill Herself)

Grillmaker Ben Baller yesterday posted that Sean Kingston asked him to make grills for Justin Bieber. “Luckily I had my grill mold kit inside my car… I knew it was only a matter of time before I got to link with Bieber…. I have made jewels for Paris, Kim K, Tom Cruise, Drake, Michael Jackson, so many others…. is Justin Bieber weirder than making stuff for Dr. Phil?”

Baller may have known the ruckus that was all going to cause, so he was considerate enough to put in a disclaimer for Bieber fans: “I do NOT make permanent grills, I only do the ones that are removable, you can put them on and take them off within seconds and they're for fashion and fun. relax, your little heart throb is not ruining anything.”

Apparently it's part of a Halloween costume, but still. The fan reactions were pretty severe, as you can read for yourself after the jump.


Here's how it all went down: Apparently Bieber has really small teeth: “he wanted 4 teeth at first, but that would look silly since he has really small teeth… so we're doing 6. the mold came out good, we'll see later when I get to casting it in gold…. Justin's had invisiligns done before, so it's kinda similar… takes 2 minutes to mold properly and right before I put the mold in Biebers mouth… during the 2 minutes. Justin got on the piano and started to play and then… viola! done!”

Here's what Justin Bieber himself had to say about it:

via ONTD

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