Show of hands: Who recognizes this guy? is a gossip rag featuring generally un-famous, local bros and their lovely ladies. It manages to do so with less class than sans anatomical doodles. The site posted several of this mystery man's photos, under the heading, “The Biggest D-Bag in Orange County,” and the readers were quick to post his name.
Learn more about the man bestowed such a fine distinction, and take a look at the hard-to-disagree with photos, after the jump.
Malcom McCassy, I'm crying for you a little bit on the inside. Surely it's not fair to be called a douche bag simply for rocking the Zoolander look in all of your photos. And yeah, you're wearing a multi-finger bling ring. But I'm guessing that the guy who runs the site, Nik Richie, and his merry band called the Dirty Army aren't the bastions of high class either.
McCassy is a motocross man. He's not so much into the riding part, as he is into the promotion and parties part. An ESPN action sports article had this to say about him:
“Every action sport has that guy who's everywhere you look, but you
don't know exactly what the hell he does. . . . Well, Malcolm McCassy is THAT guy in motocross. . . . Malcolm is everywhere you
look because he's a straight smooth-ass pimp daddy that's been hustling
since he popped out of the womb.”
McCassy has been straight hustling his Underoos lately. He runs action sports oriented underwear company, Ethika, with a whole crew of action sports dudes, including that adorable little skater and ex-MTV reality star, Ryan Sheckler. McCassy also works for motorcycle company, FMF. The real winners in this douche-off, however, are not McCassy and crew or Richie, but the commentators. Without whom, we wouldn't get such gems as these. All grammatical errors are their own:
- “this guy reminds me of a young stifler, except gay.”
- “saw this douchebag trying to hit on 12 year olds from the midwest at
the SC pier, was trying to lay them by saying that hes bros with
sheckler, he almost did until their mom came up and scared him away” - ” His friends all look like 909ers (not pictured here) him and his “friends” are just another reason why the OC is now trash.”
Stay classy, McCassy! Don't let the haters get you down. Bro.