Inside M. Ward’s Mellow Mind

M. Ward’s ninth solo album, More Rain, was released today (March 4) and is being heralded as “reliably beautiful, thoughtful folk” by those who like rain, and sluggish, dreary-day music by those who don’t.

The album was recorded inside an old factory in Portland. (You can even hear some of the rain that hit the factory’s roof as Ward was recording on the first floor). The album’s title is more than just a weather report: it’s Ward’s response to the terrible headlines he sees while he reads his favorite newspaper.

“I normally start the day with the New York Times front page,” Ward told Entertainment Weekly. “So the idea of ‘more rain’ also sounds like another way of saying more bad news, how are you going to deal with it? All the songs create problems but also have solutions. So it’s a balance.”

Ward has collaborated with a list of notable female musicians, including Cat Power, Neko Case and Beth Orton. The mellow musician created five records as She & Him, his ongoing collaboration with Zooey Deschanel. 

M. Ward will be performing at the Hollywood Bowl on July 10, 2016.

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