'I Really Like the One on VD'

Letters may be edited for clarity and length. E-mail to le*****@oc******.com, or send to Letters to the Editor, c/oOC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Or fax to (714) 550-5908.

I want to thank R. Scott Moxley for writing “Justice Takes a Beating” [Aug. 12]. I was totally shocked by the story of Greg W. Hall's trip to the Orange County Jail. I made a copy of the story—complete with the pictures. I want to keep it close for my own reference. At age 73, it isn't likely that I'll be stopped by the police for speeding or disturbing the peace, but I might be caught up in a sweep of peace activists or in a Garden Grove confrontation with the Minutemen. If I were stopped while driving, I definitely would have a 0.00 blood alcohol level, but not only do I sometimes take an anti-depressant, but I exhibit symptoms of confusion and distress when under stress that might cause an officer to suspect me of driving under the influence. I can assure you that my stress would escalate to terror at the prospect of being taken to the OC Jail and perhaps given similar treatment as Mr. Hall. They would probably have to put me in a straitjacket at the scene of the arrest. Thank you again. This week you and Cindy Sheehan rate as my heroes.

Anne Shattuck
Seal Beach

Just read Rebecca Schoenkopf's column about visiting Crawford [“Commie Girl,” Aug. 19]. I then linked to her site and proceeded to laugh out loud at some of the archived material. I really like the one on VD. This is just to let her know that someone else thinks her cooter is special.

Alan Murphy
Via e-mail

That was really brilliant and insightful writing in Gustavo Arellano's “Why We Fall” [Aug. 12].

William Neblett
Professor of Philosophy (retired)
Occidental College

I have been studying the Prosperity Gospel for some time now, and I share some of Arellano's reservations and criticisms mentioned in “Why We Fall,” though I wish to take issue with a couple of things. Copeland, et al. are not “fundamentalists” per se, they are Neo-Pentecostals, out from the classical Pentecostal movements that were birthed at the beginning of the 20th century. In fact, true fundamentalists of today, say, the Southern Baptists, for example, would not be caught dead at a Copeland meeting. And I must take exception to the use of the term “hallelujahs” used to describe evangelicals. Especially since Arellano is Latino, as am I, he might be aware that the term “alleluyas” is a derogatory term for Latino evangelicals. I am one of those, not a Copeland follower, and there are at least 8 million to 12 million Latino evangelicals in the U.S., approximately 25 to 35 percent of the Latino population that describes itself as religious. I understand how a few days with Copeland can sour someone on this peculiar movement, but I hope people will at least consider that most of us are not like sister Gloria; not all charlatans, slick televangelists or “alleluyas.” Most of us are just seeking to be good folks and live a life worthy of Christ. Generalizations and intolerance don't just come from the right; they are often found very comfortably attached to the preconceived notions of the left.

Arlene Sanchez Walsh
Haggard School of Theology
Azusa Pacific University

A huge thank you goes out to Chris Ziegler for his beautiful feature on Matt Costa [“Small World,” Aug. 5]. I've been a faithful follower and friend of his since first seeing him perform more than a year ago. His amazing talent deserves much recognition, and this article really did him justice.

Ashley Bevilacqua
Via e-mail

I'm down here in Santa Ana, working a contract job away from my family in Portland, Oregon. I've been living in the “low-rent” district just south of 17th for the past nine months. I'm one of the few members of the gabacho club hereabouts but have thoroughly enjoyed the neighborhood. People actually walk around and greet each other in the evenings! Regarding Gustavo Arellano's article on the Laguna Beach “hate-anti-hate-just want to work day” [“Viva el Trabajador!” Aug. 5]: Ignorance of our common humanity is one of the single worst toxic pollutants. I think ol' Mr. Natural from the '60s Furry Freak Brother's comix said it best: “Wise Up!” I've met some fine folks down here, but brother, there are not enough of you all.

John Milliken
Santa Ana

Steve Lowery, regarding your “Diary of a Mad County“: I could not love you more (without being homosexual).

Joe Clinkenbeard
Costa Mesa

Steve Lowery responds: Thank you . . . I think?

I have considered: Should I write in reaction to the imaginations of paranoid left wingers in the Letters page who believe we aren't fighting terrorism? Should I respond to Gustavo Arellano, who saw fit to attack Christians who simply believe in God's ability to heal illness? Or maybe I should write about the horror of those poor, ill-fated violent criminals in jail who end up with a bruise or a cut? No, I have decided to write about something much more serious: STAPLES (not the store). The staples that now bind OC Weekly prevent me from easily discarding the really nutty left-wing bile and keeping the seven and a half pages of worthwhile pieces and entertainment schedules.

B. Dirk Yarborough
Costa Mesa

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