[Hey, You!] Happy Ending

We were dining as part of a large party at a loud eats-and-entertainment restaurant when you and your friends were seated behind us. I can understand, given all the recent hoopla, your need to have a Sex and the City moment with your bestest girlfriends. But I cannot understand why you felt the need to have it there, where you would be seated within an arm's length of a 5-year-old. Did any of us really need to hear your descriptions of the handjob you had given your man before embarking on your girls' night out? Thank goodness my daughter was too busy coloring to pay attention to your tale. The rest of us would have had quite the time explaining why you needed to change your shirt. Next time, how about taking your Samantha stories to a cozy, adult-filled bar?

Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations—changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent—to “Hey, You!” c/o OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701-7417, or e-mail us at le*****@oc******.com.

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