Hey, You!

You are the volunteer lady at the local theater who was silently passing judgment on me while I was trying to hurry my father into his seat. I could feel your eyes on the back of my head. I know it probably looked like I was yelling at some poor older man for no reason. What you didn't know is that he is a compulsive hoarder. He collects things he doesn't need and creates more chaos and problems for his family and his life than you will ever know. Thankfully he had a hip replacement so he can't collect the heavy crap he used to hoard. Now his collecting is limited to papers and other small items that I still end up throwing out. He even goes through people's trash in the neighborhood and fills up his house with useless crap. I've spent 34 years of my life throwing away very large items he has collected ever since I was about 12 and I am tired of it! It is a sickness and a compulsion and he isn't going to change now and anything he collects can get out of hand fast. I was trying to discourage him from taking your brochures because he didn't need any of them, he isn't going to become a member of your organization, and they will just get thrown out by the time we get home. So, the next time you pass judgment on someone, try to keep in mind that things aren't always what they seem and you don't know the whole story.

Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations—changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent—to “Hey, You!” c/o OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701-7417, or e-mail us at



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