You are the neighbor, friend, boyfriend, fellow pet owner, homeless, rich, poor, out-of-towner, tourist, UPS worker, business owner, employee off Main Street and Huntington Beach native who all stopped and took a moment to look at one of many fliers that flagged downtown H.B. I am the new resident who would be spending her first Fourth of July mere blocks from the big fireworks extravaganza. I am the girl who learned the hard way that fireworks send indoor cats and pets alike running to the streets. For the next five days and nights, I did nothing but walk around downtown, putting up more than 300 fliers while searching for my cat. Along the way, I met many lovely people who shared their compassion, encouragement, concern, as well as their own stories. I want to thank all of you. Without you, my cat may have never come home, which he did—the very same way in which he escaped: the window. But most important, you gave me hope. Thank you!