At a council meeting in Fullerton last week, a man said he thought the “flood gates” of complaints against the police department had only just started.
Well, it looks like he might be right.
A 23-year-old Fullerton College student was allegedly arrested on false charges of public drunkenness in August of 2008 and then beat up by a Fullerton police officer, according to a Friends For Fullerton's Future blog post.
Remember Eddie Quiñonez? He also says he was arrested for drunkennes, even though he was sober, and then roughed up by a cop.
Christopher Spicer Janku alleges that officer Perry Thayer slammed his face against a curb and then stepped on his head with his boot.
Here's what Janku says happened, according to the FFFF post:
“He purposely put my face into a gutter full of disgusting dirty gutter water to the point where I was almost choking on it, and pushed down on my head to the point where my head almost caved it and I was screaming for my life.”
Officers then allegedly put him in the back of a squad car without his seatbelt on and repeatedly slammed on the brakes, so his head hit the cage. Janku filed a complaint, the post says, but was stonewalled until recently when he was told to get an attorney.
Janku's story is one example in the slew of allegations of police wrongdoing, which have surfaced since Fullerton policemen beat Kelly Thomas to death in early July.
And, Tracy Wood of The Voice of OC reported yesterday that Michael Gennaco, who the city hired to investigate the police department's policies and practices, has some forthcoming dirt on the city, too, although he didn't give any specifics.
Wood writes: “Asked if more disclosures are coming, he replied, 'Oh, yeah. There's more. There always is.'”
- Our complete Kelly Thomas archives
- Ron Thomas Calls On 'Kelly's Army' to Stop Protesting in Front of Fullerton Police Department
- Officers Charged In Kelly Thomas Case Won't Be Paid
- [UPDATED with Cops Pitch In For Ramos' Bail:] Officer Manuel Ramos Released From Orange County Jail On $1M Bail Early This Morning
- Judge Denies Officer Manuel Ramos' Request For Lower Bail; John Barnett, Ramos' Attorney, Calls Kelly Thomas 'Violent Felon'
- Murder Charge, Counts Against 2 Cops in Kelly Thomas Beating Case
- Kelly Thomas Killing Prompts DA Tony Rackauckas' Finest Moment
- An Inside Look At Ron Thomas' Day At The District Attorney's Office and the Arraignment of The Two Fullerton Policemen Charged
- Kenton Hampton, Who A Witness Says Punched And Kneed Kelly Thomas In The Head, Is Allegedly Tied To A Third Act Of Violence
- Fullerton Police Cites People for Honking at Protest
- Kelly Thomas Died Of Blunt Force Trauma To The Head, Says Attorney Garo Mardirossian, At Press Conference; Medical Records Released
- Ron Thomas Hopes Fullerton Police Officers Who Killed His Son Are So Scared of Threats That “They Have Diarrhea Every Day”
- Sources: Slidebar Kitchen Placed Call Resulting in Kelly Thomas' Death
- State Funds Classes To Teach Law Enforcement How To Interact With Mentally Ill, Majority Of Officials In OC Haven't Taken It