For the past 10 years, Adam Glassco—known to the world of bass drops and wobbles as Flinch—has been deejaying around the world, making the Midway City resident one of the best-known producers in the genre. The prodigious DJ, who got his name because he used to write on walls, began producing when he was 10 years old and hasn't stopped since. Now that he's on 12th Planet's label SMOG, he's currently on tour with the godfather of American dubstep for the End Is Near! Tour, which stops at the Observatory on Tuesday for Dubtroit's third anniversary. It will also serves as the album-release party for Flinch's EP, Light It Up.
OC Weekly: What is your aspiration for the Orange County scene?
Flinch: I think Orange County has a healthy scene that's growing constantly. New venues such as the Observatory and the Yost Theater have been bringing world-class talent. I see the other DJs now looking forward to coming to OC.
You've been in the EDM [electronic dance music] scene for 10 years. How has it evolved?
I've seen the EDM scene fluctuate over the years, from being underground to having more of a mainstream audience, then back again. But this newest wave of popularity is by far the biggest and most exciting change yet. More people are listening to and creating music on computers than ever. I'm super-excited to watch the scene grow and evolve even further.
What did people say to you when you first started producing?
Dude, where's my car?
Where is your favorite place to perform?
I like to perform in places I've never been before!
What do you think of Skrillex being considered dubstep personified these days?
I think Skrillex is a great artist and a very nice person. I wish him nothing but success.
You collaborated with Korn on the song “Way Too Far.” What was the idea behind it?
We just headbanged and drank energy drinks for a few days, and that's what we came up with.
How did you guys produce it, and who took the lead on the track?
We just hung out with the band and vibed on some ideas until we finally had some to mess with. It happened really naturally, and it was a very fun group of people to work with.
What was it like to perform with Korn at the Hollywood Palladium to a packed hometown crowd?
It was very surreal! The first show I had ever been to was Fugazi at the Hollywood Palladium when I was 14, so to be on that same stage at a sold-out show with a world-famous band playing a song I helped to write was insane!
Explain Dubtroit to the “n00bs” reading this.
Dubtroit is our monthly dubstep party in OC. We started it three years ago at Detroit bar, hence the name Dubtroit, but we recently moved it to the Constellation Room inside the Observatory in Santa Ana.
Which do you think is the most memorable Dubtroit?
The first one—with about 30 close friends. It was the first time 12th Planet and I played together.
Tell us what the Light It Up EP sounds like.
Spooky, bass, lovemaking memories.
Do you have any special upcoming collaborations we should watch for?
I have a new song I made with Diplo that should be coming out soon on Mad Decent. I also have some collaborations with AC Slater, Bare and SPL forthcoming.
This column appeared in print as “Flinch Hits.”