Five Shocking Excerpts From Jack Grisham's New Book, An American Demon

As Lille pointed out earlier today, our cover story this week is on T.S.O.L. front man and author Jack Grisham and his journey exorcising An American Demon–himself. You can read the article in its entirety right here, but what we didn't have room for in the story you can get right here.

In his new book, An American Demon, Grisham lays out the story of his life in a brutal tale told from the perspective of a demon–himself–and his transformation into humanity. Here are five more shocking excerpts from Grisham's new novel.
The book is not a simple memoir, the kind of self-indulgence these guys
tend to engage in some decades after the heyday has died down, but a
work of fiction and nonfiction melded together and driven by the
classic struggle of the hero versus the anti-hero, of good versus bad, of hope versus the dark fucking bottom of the barrel of debauchery. Here are five more shocking excerpts from An American Demon.


5. In Which Grisham Shares a Girl

Page 104: I had that bitch do the whole party, one right after another, until she was done. It was eight 15-year-old boys including David and Terry, and they'd all been virgins. I took her after she was finished. She was one step above comatose, sweaty and dirty from the sex. I started calling her names before I entered her, and I didn't let up. She was crying, so I put my hands to her neck to silence her. . . .

She whispered . . . “I love you.”

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

4. In Which Grisham Has Sex With an 80-Year-Old Woman in the Crypt of Her Dead Husband

Page 167: She didn't fight. This was a trip; it was intense for a second–I was really into it, but I didn't last. It was “Think about it, think about it, stick it in, done.” Oh, well, she couldn't tell too many people that I was a shitty lover in the four hours and 16 minutes she had left.

3. In Which Grisham Picks Up a Parking Block

Page 197: I picked up a loose parking block–this may seem unbelievable, given that it was about 4 feet long, 6 inches high, made of concrete, and it'd been anchored to the ground with two pieces of rebar, but I'm a big man. As I said before, a tool always appeared when I needed it.

When they drove by, I used the long cement block as a javelin, throwing it through the back window of the sedan. It took the glass out in a beautiful, shattering musical display accompanied by screams in the back of the car as the block slammed into the passengers.

It was time to leave.

2. In Which Grisham Doesn't React While Standing at His Father's Death Bed

Page 263: So, yeah, I was looking at a metal-sided bed, a cheap bed–something you wouldn't stick in your house if you didn't have to. I was looking down at this man: a powerful man who'd inflicted pain on me countless times over. And he lay there, looking up at me, without defense, and he admitted he was weak. And I had nothing to say to him.

1. In Which Grisham Accidentally Stabs a Guy at a Party

Page 323: “Come on, Jack. Come on, big man. Give me the knife.”

I loved this.

“You want the knife, Vince? Here's the knife.”

I stabbed at him–just fucking around, of course, but he jumped back.

“Come on, Jack, put it down. Come on.”

I kept poking at him, slashing and cutting, forcing him to move away.

Vince jumped toward me, maybe thinking he could grab the knife, but as he jumped, I stabbed, and the large blade went in and continued through Vince's arm. I released the handle amid screams and blood. The knife stayed where I'd stuck it.

“He stabbed him. He stabbed him!”

Fucking hostess.

An American Demon: A Memoir by Jack Grisham; ECW Press, Independent Publishers Group. $19.95. Available on now

Book-release party with T.S.O.L., the Crowd, the Hated, Love Canal and Yeastie Boys aboard the Grand Romance Riverboat, 200 Aquarium Way, Dock No. 4, Long Beach, (562) 628-1600. Sun., 2-6 p.m. Free.

Visit and for more info.

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