Yes, for one split second, we actually thought that someone awesome was throwing a party for people in their 60s. We suppose that means we’re still young enough to be naïve to the realities of life, like that society might not, for one measly second, be filled with ageist morons. But we are, and this is, instead, a celebration of the City of Costa Mesa turning 60 (when cities do it, it’s rad), but never fear—old people are here! Bite your whippersnapper tongues when legendary rockabilly Wanda Jackson takes the stage and wallops you through her funnel of love, and bob your not-too-stiff-yet necks when Eric Burdon (Rolling Stone’s 57th “100 Greatest Singers of All Time”) beats you senseless with his legendary aggression. And, if you really have an appreciation for “the more experienced set,” you can “oooh” over the swing dance competition and “ahhh” during the senior beauty contest. Remember, one day you’ll be here too, and you’ll probably look like shit.
Fri., June 28; Sat., June 29; Sun., June 30, 2013