Hurricanes in Huntington Beach attracts quite possibly the most eclectic group of people in Orange County with a mix of twenty-, thirty-, even forty-somethings crowding the bar and light-up dance floor.
Following the organic trend, Hurricanes carries Filip vodka, which is 100 percent USDA-certified organic, made from organic winter wheat imported from Northern Italy. It's the featured ingredient in the Morning After, our Drink of the Week, which combines Filip with pomegranate liqueur, lime and cranberry juice. Filip is a pure vodka that goes down smooth; it's distilled five times and goes through three filtrations. The cranberry juice makes this a sweeter cocktail without overpowering the pomegranate and vodka flavors. Bartender Mike makes this drink strong enough to get your money's worth for $9 a cocktail. The best part: Filip vodka has fewer calories than most other vodkas, and there are no added sugars or preservatives.
Mike somehow talked me into registering for a Hurricanes rewards card–that Morning After cocktail must have kicked in. Every dollar you spend earns you points when you show the bartender your card; it works the same as a rewards card at a grocery store. When you reach certain benchmarks, you receive “Loyalty Certificates,” gift certificates to Hurricanes. Although it's just another way to get you back to the bar, if you're a regular in the area, you can end up saving some money.