There's a YouTube video of Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks playing in front of a live audience back in 1972. It's a perfect representation of his style: an oddly awesome mix of country, folk, hillbilly, and Reno barfly. The audience giggles nervously every time the fiddle player busts out a mini-solo—what they don't get is that it's all supposed to sound this way. Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks were like something from the bizarro future—and now in 2014, he's something of a cult legend. Music from this decade include collaborations with Jimmy Buffet and Willie Nelson—and an endless touring schedule, hitting up California clubs, like tonight's show at the Coach House. If you like the unusual in the old school sense, you're in for a damn good time.
Wed., Sept. 10, 8 p.m., 2014