Dan Aykroyd's Daughter Goes Viral in 'Pussy Breath'

do Dan Aykroyd, Daniel Libeskind (architect of the new World Trade
Center) and actress Ellen Barkin (star of The Big Easy and Sea of Love)
have in common?

They all have immediate family members who appear in a video for a song called “Pussy Breath.” (Watch it after the jump.)

a name like that, it's not even really necessary to describe the video content. Suffice it to say it features Aykroyd's daughter
Danielle and Libeskind's daughter Rachael, who both go to Harvard, and
actress Ellen Barken's niece Lana, who goes to Bard. (Simon Kirke's daughter Lola, school unknown, is also in it.)

I will say this: There's plenty of gyrating, gold (in teeth AND chains), reptiles and
punch lines.

“Make the bed go snap crackle pop/Onomatopoeia/I make bitches flip, like a surprise trip to Ikea.”

song is by a rapper called “Young Sheik,” a made-up hip-hop god created by New York comedian Matt Pavich. It's hilarious, sure, but that doesn't make it any more tasteful. (Pun intended!)

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