CD Review

I remember one time I went to this thing called the Society for Creative Anachronism. It was super cool to see all these dudes dressed in armor battling each other with wooden swords. I guess they were having some tournament where the winner became “king” of the city park where they all gathered. And the women! Ample wenches who were more than happy to take your arm as you escorted them to and fro—chivalry was the order of the day. I got way into the vibe of it all. But I was 12 at the time and now regard this experience as hanging out with some of the biggest fucking dorks ever. Which brings me to Espers. Expanding heavily on their last album (and adding three more members in the process), they have created a unique sound that borrows equally from '70s psych-folk bands like Comus and the heavy guitar rock of the same era. Most songs on the album easily pass the six-minute mark, conjuring images of witches dancing to the rhythm of an eternal flame. I love Espers and this record kicks ass, but I fear that their renaissance-fair jams will turn all the indie-rockers into the knights and maidens of the SCA. Hipsters are always the first to embrace irony as “cool,” but they forget about people like that weird IT guy who works in the office. On the weekends he's a lord and actually has rank on a few other dudes. Do you really want to show up at the next Espers show wearing the same chain mail? 

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