The Seven Year Itch

Playwright George Axelrod’s nuclear-age, three-act hilarity about the abundantly average Richard Sherman who, after sending his wife and son off to Maine to escape the NYC summer heat, descends into wild fantasies about a model who’s moved in upstairs (you may remember Marilyn Monroe and the iconic dress-over-the-subway-grate scene from the 1955 film version). Reading psychobabble about the impending extramarital affairs that suddenly spring up after seven years of being hitched, Richard drives himself crazy with imagined guilt until he finally takes action. Find out whether Richard ends up scratching the model or his own head in this latest retro-quirky staging from the Maverick.

Fridays, Saturdays, 8 p.m. Starts: Aug. 7. Continues through Sept. 19, 2009

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