New Shanghai Circus

Imported to the US in 1998 and dropped off in Branson, Missouri of all places, this troupe of acrobats has built quite a reputation over the last 12 years—including a nod of recognition from the scary Culture Ministry of China (see, it’s always scary when government office titles include the word “ministry”). The first Chinese acrobats to perform on Broadway, this amazing group of young artists became the toast of the Big Apple with record sold-out performances. Now that the New Shanghai Circus is on tour, don’t miss your chance to marvel at their incredible illusions, lush costumes and mind-boggling, bendy-body acrobatic feats.

Sat., Dec. 26, 2 N 8 p.m.; Sun., Dec. 27, 3 p.m.; Mon., Dec. 28, 8 p.m.; Tue., Dec. 29, 8 p.m.; Wed., Dec. 30, 8 p.m.; Thu., Dec. 31, 2 p.m., 2009

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