Midori Plays Tchaikovsky

This Midori is anything but sour. In fact, the former child prodigy’s mastery of the violin is nothing short of intoxicating. Midori Goto is like a golden funnel, sent to Earth to collect pieces of heavenly glory (whatever can be found written in the songs of mere mortals) and allow them to kiss our ears and embrace our souls. She first picked up the violin at the age of 3—a time when the only ear for music that any of us had was the tune of the ice-cream truck as it rounded the corner. At 8, she performed “Chaconne” by Bach and blew the roof off Juilliard. Gaping jaws of awe and stunned expressions have followed her ever since. Tchaikovsky, Ticheli, Brahms, Midori—how’s that for a musical cocktail?

Sept. 24-26, 8 p.m., 2009

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